Search the site for more pics and a video of Rugby's Julien Arias who turns 25 today.

Actor Anthony Rapp, so great in Rent turns 37 today.

I love me some Tom Cavanagh who turns 40 today.

Keith Urban turns 41 today.

Last years favorite birthday boy Dylan McDermott turns 47 today.

James Pickens Jr has been a great addition to many shows from 'Another World', 'Roseanne' and of course 'Grey's Anatomy'. James turns 54 today.

Brodie Greeer from 'Chips' turns 59.

So hilarious on 'Will & Grace', Shelley Morrison turns 72.

Also celebrating today:
Lauren Tewes from 'The Love Boat' turns 54
Hillary Clinton and Jacyln Smith both turn 61.