Above: Director Israel Luna with the cast.

Last week I watched the flick 'R U Invited?' (5 Guys And A Sex Party). This is not a big Hollywood flick so don't expect huge production values, but do expect a powerful, character driven drama about 5 guys hoping to attend a sex party. The key is the party is invite only, and the invite only comes if the party planners approve your entrace based on a photo you send in.
The movie has a few nude scenes, but that is not a reason to rent it, this is a movie to rent or buy if you want to watch an interesting story exploring the relationships between 5 very different men. Written and directed by Israel Luna, I was very impressed with the powerful writing laced with the 'truth' and 'pain' which often flows through relationships. The cast, many of whom are making their first movie, do a great job creating some small, but powerful moments aided by the capable direction of Luna. I would highly recommend checking out this movie. It does not have the gloss of say 'Another Gay Movie', but then again that is why I enjoyed it so much. It will not be for everyone, but to me it packed a punch and had me rewatching it again a few days later.

Above and below: Ben with his resident sugar daddy, Anderson (Phil Harrington). In some ways the most interesting relationship in the film.

Gabriel Praddo as Mondo (Below).

Oscar Contreras plays Gordy in the film. Gordy is in some way the heart of the film, yet he was the character I liked the least. His story had some powerful moments but yet there was something missing in the character, or the actor which made him less effective than he could have been.

Below: Christopher Jones as Charlie. A character I grew to like near the end of the flick.

Actor John de los Santos plays Ben, an interesting character on the surfacem resident hunk, but he was also a mix of arrogance and compassion and was of the most caring and interesting characters in the movie.

My favorite character in the movie was Jason played by David Matherly. I identified with his character the most, and some of his scenes hit close to home.

In the middle of the character drama is a great scene with the characters of Ben, Mondo and Jason taking pictures of themselves to gain an invitation to the party.

Had to add this pic of director Israel Luna who is quite a hottie himself. Check out his myspace page HERE: for more on the movie including some videos.