Above: Photo Credit: David Vance
Looking at the portfolio of Jeremy Tang, I was struck by the beauty of not just the man but the photographs. Jeremy has worked throughout the world with some of the leading photographers in the business. Some of his shots are works of art. Jeremy has not only a great body, but amazing face and eyes which leap off the page, or computer screen. The beauty in his work might be because not only is Jeremy a model, but also a photographer himself. Check out more of this talented beauty at his Myspace page found HERE:

Above and below: Photo Credit: Steven Nelson

Name: Jeremy Tang
Profession: Model
Origin: Chinese
Born in: Vietnam
Country: New York, United States
Hobbies: Travel
Height: 6ft
Weight: 165lbs
Waist: 29 inches
Eye color: DK brown
Hair color: Dk brown
Tatoo, piercing: No
Languages: Fluent in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Vietnamese.
Skills: Dancing, Surfing, Biking, Volleyball, Tennis, Rollerblading, Swimming

Above: Photo Credit: Sandro Bross

Above: Photo Credit: Hans Fahrmeyer

Above: Photo Credit: Sandro Bross

Above and below: Photo Credit: Ed Freeman