I love it when an actor who has been around for awhile finally finds a role and show that pushes them to another level. Doris Roberts was around for decades as a character actress popping up on tv shows, movies and on stage without much acclaim until 'Everybody Loved Raymond'. Jane Lynch is next in line!
I am certainly now a proud Gleek, loving the show 'Glee'. The show is musical, moving and hilarious with enough teen drama to have me cringing with memories of my own days in high school. Jane Lynch is a stand out in the cast and she most certainly deserves all the attention she is getting!
Jane began like most successful actors, on the stage. She worked with Second City for years and many may remember her as a staple in the movies of Christopher Guest. If you look at Jane's IMDB page, her long list of credits seems to cover almost every tv show of the last two decades. Add in her impressive movie credits, including this years 'Julie and Julia' and you have quite the impressive list! None of these shows have given Jane the attention she so richly deserves. Kudos Jane! Given it is Emmy Night I could not help but thinking a year from now you will be amongst the list of nominee's.