Myspace can be a really interesting place to get to know people. In the past you would see a picture of some hot guy, and only see the outside. With Myspace you can get a peek (Mind you, a peek the person wants you to see) of the inside. I recently saw a pic of up and coming model Eric Anthony Crew on a site and after a quick google search found his myspace page. Eric is someone I would love to spend a weekend partying with. I was initially drawn to him by his face and eyes. Eric certainly has a great 'come hither' look. In reading his blog and checking out a few of his videos my initial lust turned to like and respect. I always wondered if when you put your thoughts and images out on Myspace do you do it for yourself and your friends, or are you ok if someone like myself stumbles upon it and ends up finding you interesting... Hope Eric is ok I am sharing with you all. If you want to read a bit more about Eric, check out his Myspace HERE:

I was particulary struck by his 'military' themed photo series. I viewed it as miliary, but it could have been safari...:) In reading Eric's blog entries I know he has some strong feelings on war, so I wondered if these photos were an attempt to make a statement or simply a fun idea for a photo shoot. Either way, besides finding them very sexy, I find them quite provocative. They certainly say a lot to me. It was odd, and I hope I write this so it is understood. When first looking at this series, I of course was taken with how hot Eric is and how great the shoot is, but I moved on to feeling quite sad as I saw Eric as representing all the young men (and women) who have lost their lives. Seeing such a hot guy, so full of life and promise like many who have decided to defend their country bringing on two such diverse emotions is quite an accomplishment. Whether Eric meant to or not they were quite powerful to me.