The beautiful face you see above is that of 23 year old Ashtyn Long. This Tennessee native now living in Florida is making a splash in the modeling world, and with his look it is easy to see why. When researching beautiful Ashtyn I was amazed at the amazing photographers who he has worked with. Initially reluctant to enter the world of modeling, Ashtyn is now firmly planted in the business and is gracing magazine covers as well as sites all over the net. What most struck me about Ashtyn besides his great face was his attitude. He exibits such confidence, which is incredibly hot. Ashtyn has an AMAZING Myspace page you really need to check out with tons of pictures, videos and lots of info on the amazing guy. Thanks for sharing with us Ashtyn!!!

Ashtyn by Adam Bouska.

Ashtyn by the brillant David Vance.

Ashtyn by Enigmatic Photographic (see more in post below).

Ashtyn by Sandro Bross.

Ashtyn by vintpop photo.