All you American Idol fans remember Josiah Leming. Never has the show exploited the backstory of a singer (except maybe Scootergirl) and then not put them through to the top 24. Well Idol did. They heavily covered Josiah and his plight, living in his car and the emotion and tears that he went through during the audition process. They felt he was not ready, but others disagreed. Now with his record, "Angels Undercover" about to come out in early 2009, Simon Fuller and 19 Entertainment are trying to block it. Simon, suck it up! Yes you have a contract, but this is the first time someone who did not make the top 24 got a deal and is close to making money that is not going directly in your pocket. Just remember Simon, your show is still #1, but slowing losing viewers each year. You run the risk of making many angry as Josiah was a crowd favorite. You also run the risk of making a few singers think twice about auditioning if your going to bully those you chose to reject. Go Josiah, I look forward to your music!