Peter Oldring is a Canadian actor and comedian. This classically trained actor from the National Theatre School of Canada has been on fixture on Canadian television for the last decade. Peter also is skilled at stand up and improv and has been a member of Second City group in Toronto. You may have seen him on 'Blue Collar TV' or in 'Hollywood Wives, the New Generation' as Farrah Fawcett's assistant. Peter also has many motion pictures on his resume including 2002's 'K-19: The Widowmaker'. Certainly I took notice with his role in Y.P.F (see below).

Peter with Pat Kelly in 'The Pete and Pat Show' at the 2006 Toronto International Improv Festival.

Peter in Y.P.F (Young People Fucking, 2007).

Special thanks to ljrealnude for the above caps from Y.P.F.