Has there ever been a more iconic superhero than Superman? Has there ever been a time the world really needs a Superman. Some have compared Obama to the man in blue, but Obama is just a man, a great man yes, but I worry he is set up big time with the huge expectations many have for him.
It is interesting to look back at some of the men who have played Superman in TV and Movies. Not sure if it is the role, the suit, but there seems something about each of the actors that sets them apart from others, even actors who have played other superheroes. (Can anyone say Batman?). Maybe it is because the role requires the audience to see something magical, something to look up to in the actors who play the role that has made casting so important and all of the actors who pulled up the blue tights has risen to the challenge.

Could not do a Superman post without at least a mention of George Reeves. Although I never saw him in the role, I know to many he is their Superman.