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quotes for eyes

quotes for eyes. i love you quotes for her.
  • i love you quotes for her.

  • mpossoff
    Feb 10, 08:47 AM
    As my previous noted, call ATT to make the change until they fix the website process...go to your online account and you'll see the + delineation beside A-List Nation 700 as my attachment shows as of today.

    Says feature removed from account?

    quotes for eyes. Eyes(Quotes). Another spread for the quot;Quotesquot; RR. In it are my eyes, my grandson#39;s and my partners. Collage was made in Photoshop CS
  • Eyes(Quotes). Another spread for the quot;Quotesquot; RR. In it are my eyes, my grandson#39;s and my partners. Collage was made in Photoshop CS

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 20, 10:43 PM
    We're winning! We're really winning this time!

    Suck on these :apple: :apple: :apple: :apple: fandroids.

    What do you mean we? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?

    quotes for eyes. myeyes.jpg My eyes
  • myeyes.jpg My eyes

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 27, 05:03 PM
    Why does it take a media storm for Apple to open up on an issue ? It would be so much better if they more forthcoming and frank before an issue snowballs.

    Why should they talk out of their butts without getting a clear picture about what is going on.

    Obviously they immediately started gathering the facts.

    Had they released a statement like: "We are looking into it!" the media would still not have been satisfied. They like blood and frenzy. The more half truth and the more lack of facts the better . Can we scare people? GREAT!!

    May I suggest to be worried about the health effects of "negativitis" for yourself instead of what Apple is doing or not doing.


    quotes for eyes. tears in eyes quotes.
  • tears in eyes quotes.

  • ViciousShadow21
    Apr 17, 06:01 PM
    Dude I love the Download icon. Imma make one for me now :D

    BTW I made one for Bean word processor app if you'd like that too. I'm working on building a central place for the icons. If you want, I can share a folder in Dropbox where we can both have access to the files at any given moment.

    yea that sounds good.

    the download icon is pissing me off at the moment cause i cant make it smaller. i cant figure out why!! i've tried everything!!!! so if you make one put it in the folder. thanks


    quotes for eyes. tears in eyes quotes. with
  • tears in eyes quotes. with

  • kalsta
    May 5, 02:37 PM
    The great thing about doing something good, is that it is OK to do it for any reason that makes you happy (even credit on a MacRumors thread) because at the end of the day it benefits people.

    If I was dying, I wouldn't care if someone gave me blood because their MacRumor buddies would like them more. They saved my life. Why is it so bad they did it for one reason or another?

    If people would do more good things because of threads on MacRumors, how cool would that be?

    Well I suppose you have a point there. If more people are giving blood because of the MacRumors blood drive, that's a good thing � which I think I already said a few comments back. ;)

    My comment was addressed more to the people who get upset because they're classified high-risk. I just question the motivation sometimes. But having said that, it may be that the US system is indeed prejudiced, and if so then perhaps they have a point.

    Regarding your first, rather general statement about 'doing something good for any reason that makes you happy', are you sure? What about a teacher who only does it for the money and doesn't really care about the children? A politician who only does what he thinks will win him the next election? A church minister who only visits his wealthier parishioners? A date who pays for an expensive meal and lavishes you with compliments only because he wants sex at the end? I would argue that people who only do things for selfish ends tend to end up causing more harm than good in the end. Anyway, that's probably a debate better left for PRSI. ;)

    quotes for eyes. made me quotes, with Eyes
  • made me quotes, with Eyes

  • roadbloc
    Apr 1, 09:33 AM
    Click for biggeh.


    quotes for eyes. through my eyes quote,
  • through my eyes quote,

  • WildPalms
    Jul 26, 05:58 PM
    Actually, its Blu-Ray AS WELL AS, not in place of HD-DVD. Both formats will be supported.

    quotes for eyes. Tags: eyes. In: Quotes | 1
  • Tags: eyes. In: Quotes | 1

  • N10248
    Feb 6, 05:16 PM
    Mine for now...

    http://n10248.info/mr/imac_06-02-11_small.jpg (http://n10248.info/mr/imac_06-02-11.jpg)

    Download Original (http://n10248.info/mr/imac_06-02-11_original.jpg)


    quotes for eyes. My eyes!
  • My eyes!

  • vvebster
    Feb 18, 12:02 AM
    February iPad wallpapers



    quotes for eyes. quotes close your eyes
  • quotes close your eyes

  • ten-oak-druid
    May 1, 11:51 AM
    This sounds good but here is what i run in to
    1. I can fit all the media on my imac ( after 3TB) for streaming via itunes and AirVideo
    2. External Drives are not backed-up via time machine

    I dont trust the drobo for anything but time machine after my recent close call with it.
    I currently do monthly backups to sata drives that sit on a shelf when not in use this is a pain but loosing many dollars of media is worse

    Are there dives bigger than 3TB to install on my imac?

    I use time machine for my internal drive. And for the media on my external drives I use superduper. There are other similar apps out there. I bought two 2TB drives for this purpose. I tried to set up a RAID with disk utility and it kept crashing during set up and I would have to go through a few steps to recover access to the one drive each time. I realized cloning was the safer bet.

    For me, the 2TB will serve my needs until about the time thunderbolt drives are reasonably priced and I'll upgrade speed and size at that point.

    I wonder if Apple will allow external drives to be used in this icloud system. They do not allow it for time machine so perhaps they will follow the same pattern.


    quotes for eyes. 4779 notes #quote #quotes
  • 4779 notes #quote #quotes

  • bid2ask77
    Apr 20, 08:03 AM
    What is a very good iphone 4 IM client (and why do you think its good) that would keep me logged into AIM, Yahoo, Facebook, Google and myspace all the time and in one app. i am using IM+ but it keeps kicking me out everyonce in a while and to get it back up i have to unenstall it and reinstall it to get it to work.

    quotes for eyes. Look In My Eyes Quotes
  • Look In My Eyes Quotes

  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 6, 10:52 PM
    My two screens for the month. =)

    Links please!


    quotes for eyes. I Close My Eyes Quote
  • I Close My Eyes Quote

  • Rayday
    Mar 25, 09:52 PM
    Ifixit can be your friend. Check it out.


    quotes for eyes. tears in eyes quotes
  • tears in eyes quotes

  • Dreadnought
    Aug 27, 03:04 PM
    Have you tried to stop folding and restarting the client? That usually works with my WindHell machine.


    quotes for eyes. photographer-quotes-eyes
  • photographer-quotes-eyes

  • Xenc
    Feb 13, 09:40 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Yep! As long as you tag your music correctly (ie. have the song, artist and album names set).

    quotes for eyes. photographer-quotes-eyes
  • photographer-quotes-eyes

  • MacNut
    Feb 13, 12:58 AM
    I hope that isn't your first attempt at hot avatar. :eek:


    quotes for eyes. photographer-quotes-eyes
  • photographer-quotes-eyes

  • Hodapp
    Sep 27, 12:28 PM
    u certainly had time to post a message on this board though

    quotes for eyes. photographer-quotes-eyes
  • photographer-quotes-eyes

  • iPhone1
    Feb 9, 06:25 PM

    quotes for eyes. photographer-quotes-eyes
  • photographer-quotes-eyes

  • iApples
    Mar 28, 02:59 PM
    This is really funny. Hello, I would like to introduce myself. I'm the infamous seller! :) How are you guys. It's funny that most people here are laughing about the stupidity of others like myself.

    But anyway, this is in no way illegal. I would know, being a student of law. In addition, eBay AND PayPal have sided with me on this matter MULTIPLE times. The only time PayPal sided with the buyer was when they claimed they never got it and I had no shipping proof. The item is accurately described, end of story. Stop crying about it and be more responsible.

    Just an ending note, I've made over $2,000 doing this before and used it to buy two amazing Les Pauls. ;)

    - Dan

    Contract Termination By Fraud
    A contract can be terminated by what is referred to as "fraud in the inducement." Fraud in the inducement occurs where a party intentionally misleads the other party into entering the contract. For example, a party lies about the subject of the contract and the other party relies upon the statement and agrees to the contract. This misleading action can terminate the contract.

    Do us all a favor and stay in school. You aren't going anywhere in the real world as a lawyer.


    Apr 17, 11:55 PM
    That's not how civilization works. What happens is that a superior country will immigrate people from external inferior lands where necessary. Much, as you can imagine, to take over the "low end" jobs to support the "high end" workers. An early version of this is known as "slavery". Today, we just give immigrants low wages and more "freedom" albeit they still mop the floor so the CEO doesn't slip.

    It's also consistent with the idea of importing "strong slaves". Those migrant workers are often the hard workers and upper teir of thier former civilization. Because...those are the ones who make the trip and are productive enough to be allowed to stay without being weeded out.

    Later, when these "strong slaves" reproduce, it provides the country with strong genetic stock for future workers, whom some will break away from the lower classes. It doesn't matter if they are not part of the "2.1 whites". As a matter of fact, many 2.1 white rednecks trickle to the lower classes, just as super strong immigrates get to invent some of our greatest weapons.

    Furthurmore, as technology advances, "manpower" is compensated by "brainpower". Before the steam engine cycle was invented, it would take like 100 slaves to get the boat of wheat accross the ocean. Now it takes maybe one or a couple of engineers...to play cards...until something breaks.

    One really talented engineer can't support two elderly people who demand a high quality of life, and do you realize what massive immigration to Europe is going to do? It will break their culture.

    Apr 28, 08:06 AM

    You are/were 1 to 2 years late with putting out this Verizon iPhone.

    Android has gained adoption...

    Exactly. People weren't going to sit around and wait, and not many were willing to switch to AT&T with how great Verizons coverage is, and how poor AT&T's is.

    Mar 5, 11:43 AM
    In the US

    Mar 2, 02:44 PM
    I am excited.. ....... :(

    Jan 11, 01:33 PM
    thanks for all te replies to my thread! ive sent the polls results to apple in email with a line underneath saying, "here you go steve, heres sme statistics for your next keynote". He loves making pretty grahs, like to see how explains this one.

    Give me a break :rolleyes: