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quotes on understanding

quotes on understanding. Osho Meditation Quotes
  • Osho Meditation Quotes

  • O and A
    Apr 6, 11:54 AM
    I'm still wondering if there are xserves in there.

    quotes on understanding. Quotes and Understanding
  • Quotes and Understanding

  • eawmp1
    May 2, 04:46 PM
    I like to give blood but how could I find where to go to do this? Where can I search for a place close to where I live?


    quotes on understanding. Friendship Quotes
  • Friendship Quotes

  • heimi
    Nov 1, 09:37 AM
    Does it come with the new or old earphones?

    How can I tell the difference?

    quotes on understanding. Understanding Quotes Videos
  • Understanding Quotes Videos

  • irmongoose
    Nov 29, 12:19 PM
    Practically speaking...

    If they limit the number of iPods you can transfer the movies onto, how are they going to differentiate between an additional iPod and one you replaced for a newer one? What I mean is, if they would only allow for a transfer to 5 iPods, and let's say you have 5 and one breaks, or eventually you replace them all for newly released ones, how will they be able to differentiate that from an "additional 6th iPod"?

    The entire scheme is flawed. Practically speaking.



    quotes on understanding. QUOTE: Understanding Obama:
  • QUOTE: Understanding Obama:

  • Popeye206
    May 1, 01:05 PM
    Everyone here wishes your trolling, goo fan posts would DIE DIE DIE. That would be great news if it meant the end of your trolling.

    In defense of Win (I know, I don't believe it either), but he is right. Mobile me is a horrible name and the current service has not been stellar. But with the new data center coming online it should be better. Much better.

    This time I think he actually made a legitimate comment. I'm sure it won't last! :)

    quotes on understanding. Quote of the day
  • Quote of the day

  • ���h�?
    Oct 18, 01:56 PM
    Nice idea, just needs a funky apple style jazz up.


    quotes on understanding. understanding, the want and
  • understanding, the want and

  • DannyBres
    Sep 2, 02:31 PM

    photo on tv changes every 120 seconds! :)

    quotes on understanding. Corporate Wellness Quotes
  • Corporate Wellness Quotes

  • johnnyturbouk
    Apr 6, 06:24 PM
    ahh my useless school mats finally came in handy

    12 PB = 12x10 ^ 15 bytes

    wonder when we start getting zetta and yotta portable hard drives


    quotes on understanding. insurance quotes health
  • insurance quotes health

  • notjustjay
    Mar 21, 12:35 PM
    I would agree that you should start raising your rates to attract a higher calibre of clientele. If you have existing clients that you enjoy working with that you don't want to annoy by suddenly raising your prices on them, you can always offer them a "preferred client" rate or some such.

    As for the annoying micromanaging client, perhaps that's when you set up something like WordPress and pass it along for them to update themselves?

    I'm also curious as to the rule against working for religious organizations. (I'm not a designer for hire, but I do a lot of design and web work for a charity I volunteer with, which is indeed a religious organization). Is it because they're always on the cheap? Are they more demanding than your usual clients? Help us avoid making the classic mistakes :)

    quotes on understanding. Quotes
  • Quotes

  • slb
    Oct 5, 05:53 PM
    This is my first post. It takes a lot for me to stop being a lurker, but the idea that any user can resize a textarea on a site I design, dynamically redrawing the page, is among the dumbest ideas I've ever heard. This will break valid page layouts in new and unheard of ways. Designers make form elements a size and shape for a reason.

    I look forward to finding a way using JavaScript to disable that feature the day that browser is released.

    On the contrary, resizeable textareas are part of the CSS3 standard; Safari 3.0 will simply be the first mainstream browser to implement it. Once you try it, I promise you will not want to go back. It's really a non-issue, and I'm surprised anybody's complaining about it to the point they would disable this end-user feature using JavaScript. I'll just disable JavaScript on your site, then, buddy.


    quotes on understanding. Famous sayings, quotes from
  • Famous sayings, quotes from

  • Old Muley
    Oct 2, 06:00 PM
    I have my desktop set to rotate through various old NASA photos. This is one of my favorites.

    quotes on understanding. Here are 25 quotes that I
  • Here are 25 quotes that I

    Oct 6, 05:01 PM
    Did you hear that Safari will not work with some older macs if it is installed with Leopard ??? OMG I hope they fix that before the release... Will I be mad!!


    quotes on understanding. Insurance Quotes Understanding
  • Insurance Quotes Understanding

  • SPUY767
    Mar 23, 09:28 AM
    Its funny how every position at Apple is either a Vice President or Senior Vice President of something... hehe..

    That's because, One) All the people you hear about are department heads, and when you're in charge of a segment of a large corporation you're typically a Vice President, and Two) Apple doesn't just throw people into a position as a filler. When you are put in charge of a division of Apple, you're there because you've done good things in the past and they expect you to be there for the long haul.

    quotes on understanding. All these quotes are worth
  • All these quotes are worth

  • ajohnson253
    Apr 13, 02:22 PM
    i don't mind. More time to enjoy the 4 :)



    quotes on understanding. Profound Understanding
  • Profound Understanding

  • CaoCao
    Apr 27, 09:18 PM
    The male having a bruised ego because a lesbian isn't interested in him is just as cliche as the man-hating lesbian. I was being a bit sarcastic.

    With your beliefs, they probably weren't man haters, just a you hater. Maybe I surround myself with rare lesbians, but I haven't met one yet that hated men. Some of my best friends are men. ;)

    They didn't know I was a guy because I was dressing gender neutral. I said that the sane lesbians don't hate men, unfortunately with lesbians like muslims the annoying ones stick out.

    quotes on understanding. and understanding good
  • and understanding good

  • iBug2
    Nov 12, 05:39 PM
    For feature films? I call BS! Maybe for independent "features" and even that is debatable.

    Just one example but Transformers 2 was cut on FCP, and that's a 250mil movie, hardly an independent one :)


    quotes on understanding. Quotes - understanding
  • Quotes - understanding

  • SchneiderMan
    Aug 10, 07:47 PM
    I'd also love a link to the original wall :)

    Here you go (http://www.gadgetmac.com/picture/goro_alt_noise%20free%20by%20estudio%20gor%20creativos%20%20macthemes.png?pictureId=6214971).

    quotes on understanding. Quotes, Quotes with Images
  • Quotes, Quotes with Images

  • Laird Knox
    Apr 7, 12:08 AM
    Here. I always like the home cloud concept, where you get your own personal server and can transfer data/sync through the cloud. So you own your data instead of trusting it to someone else.

    I'm moving in the opposite direction. I ran my own server for years. Now my web site resides on App Engine and my data will be backed up off site. Much less hastle than before.

    quotes on understanding. What We Do Understanding
  • What We Do Understanding

  • Lord Blackadder
    May 4, 06:51 PM
    I recall many on this forum criticizing these techniques claiming they never provided useful information.

    What say you now??

    Personally, I was in favor of using these methods on prisoners that were known terrorists, such as K.S.M.

    If the US signs the United Nations Convention Against Torture, and then admits using "enhanced interrogation" methods as part of its policy in the "War on Terror", then there is a double standard. We are either advocates of torture, or we are not.

    Until advocates of "enhanced interrogation" grow a pair and start calling it torture, which is what it is, there is no point in even having a discussion on the subject.

    Chase R
    Oct 10, 07:20 PM
    Just changed mine... The prior one was still from September. This pic is from InterfaceLIFT!


    Can someone recommend me a simple GeekTool CPU usage script?

    And that's a 1TB drive that's 90% full :eek: Can't wait for the new 1.5TB drives to hit the market!

    Oct 30, 11:45 AM
    I think you've got a spell-o in there, but not bad :cool:

    May 2, 04:46 PM
    I like to give blood but how could I find where to go to do this? Where can I search for a place close to where I live?


    Apr 11, 05:52 PM
    Thanks! Oops,thought I did. I'll move it

    Oct 11, 02:59 PM
    It's an OK update but I'm kinda disappointed was expecting much more. There are other Twitter clients out there with more features. I'll give them the map though.. thats nice.

    I'm using Tweetings at the moment, I like the post what your listening to on your iPod feature.