I am one of those annoying people who resists jumping on bandwagons. When I first started FH's in the fall of 2007, fitness trainer, Model, philosopher Ryan Barry was all over all of the other blogs I loved. I was going to start the blog with his amazing DNA shoot with Adam Bouska but instead tucked away the shots. As I got a new computer for Christmas (which I am slow to get up and running) I am clearing out files before giving this machine away. I knew it was now time to post the great shots of Ryan Barry.
Barry was blogged about not only for his DNA shoot but also his love life. When I began to research I was most interested in his education. Ryan studied at the University of Cambridge in England as a member of Darwin College, Department of Experimental Psychology. Experimental Psychology is also something I studied and an interest of mine, looking into how our mind works and more specifically how it may not work as well as we all believe. How what we see, what we feel, what we remember, what we think, what we believe to be real is not always so. Interesting stuff. Ryan uses his education in his fitness training and you can find out more about that at his site HERE:
Below: Ryan by Sonny Tong.

Below: Next 3 stunning shots of Ryan by Scott Hoover.

The remainder of Ryan's shots by the great Adam Bouskab. Many are from Ryan's appearance in DNA two years ago. Be sure to check out Adam's great blog HERE: