GLEE certainly knows they have a money maker. Barely a month after the first half of season 1 aired on FOX, the DVD is out. Of course I had to run out and buy it. I love watching some of the musical numbers over and over. Certain ones, like the mash up of 'Walking On Sunshine' and 'Halo' I previously skipped past are now my favorites.
Someone making an impact on me during my second viewing is Brad Ellis. I barely noticed Brad the first time round, but now his facial expressions are a highlight of each episode. Brad has had more screen time than some of the main cast members, yet has not to my knowledge actually been given a line. Entertainment Weekly even picked up on Brad's facial expressions and did a short article about him.

Ellis has composed or played piano for many TV shows and films, including Gilmore Girls, Close to Home, Delovely and the DVD special features for Beauty and the Beast. He also has had a long association with the continuously evolving Off-Broadway satirical revue Forbidden Broadway. Brad has worked with everyone from Jason Alexander, Victor Garber and Billy Joel to name a few. Lovin some Brad!