Whooo hoo my new blog has followers! I was starting to feel lame and lonely, but no longer!!! Thanks guys
:-) hee hee.
In heels.
In these:
AND they were brand spanking new, so not even broken in. Whooops big mistake! But hey . . . all for the price of looking good! My hubby was so sweet, he picked me up and we went out on a "date" to our fave pub in Fremont for some good ole cider and pub food after the long day, yum yum!
2) Lol but Sunday I had a blast with Cheryl from In a Frame Photography (my wedding photographer!) I hope my cheerful rave reviews to potential clients helped:-) It was totally worth the pain b/c I got this:
Finally a wedding book! Almost a year and a half later ha ha ha. Not that I didn't love my photos, they were amazing! Things are just so expensive and after getting married, and the daily wife duties and enjoying our life together takes over my to do lists sometimes! BUT now that I have this on our coffee table, I'm now motivated to get 2 large canvas prints from our wedding to put up in our bedroom, along with something like this:
But in the word PASSION :-) Excited to add some touches to our home!!!
3) Backing up a smidge . . . Saturday we celebrated Candace's birthday . . . wooooo hoooo! It was a chill girl's game night at her house. Yum food, organic wine, and fun girls . . . what more could you want? :-) I learned how to play Texas Hold 'Em, and we laughed our booties off while playing Apples to Apples.

4) Usually I have Mondays off anyway, but it was SOOooo nice to have my hubby home with me today. We hit the gym this morning, trying to get in bathing suit shape for our cruise May (more info soon!). Then I made a yum coffee treat and we grabbed our lil munchkins and went on a long walk. Our lil Westies Toby and Capri are our lil kids now until we have our own "real" ones:-) We love them to death and they are spoiled, but well taken care of!
5) Life is good! Now to clean and organize the home and cuddle.
Lovely Monday to you all!!!
~Tamara Nicole~