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Just Because: Jessica Simpson

Let me start by saying that those who read this blog on a regular basis know I aim for a postive feel. I did not choose to blog to bring anyone down, only to bring people up. I hate cruelty of any kind, and although I do often talk critically about a television show or movie, I attempt to keep cruelty out of the blog. I hate the celebrity bloggers whose goal is to shoot down others and hate even more that they attract such a large audience. That being said, I have watched with fasination the past week or so the stories about Jessica Simpson and her weight gain.

Let me start by being clear, I dislike Jessica Simpson. It is not that she is not a nice person, I am sure she is. It is not that I do not see that she is attractive. It is simply that I have little time for the Jessica's of the world who are celebrities for no real reason. Yes Jessica is talented, but at the same time has no one real talent. She can sing somewhat, she can act somewhat, she does shoe lines, she was on reality tv ect ect ect but... she really seems to flutter to what ever will get her attention. When pop stardom left her, she moved to country, she goes wherever she might land a job. She sings, but is not a singer. She acts but is not an actress.

I regret I got a tiny bit of pleasure from the stories of her weight gain, and I do feel bad about that. If this were almost any other celebrity, one with talent I would be writing a blog about how horrible it is and how the fixation on weight, especially with women is wrong. I do believe that. But when you have a woman, with questionable talent, whose main source of income has come from using her body over talent in almost every project she has done (think Dukes Of Hazzard). When you have a woman who has talked health and weight and written about it in magazines. When you have a woman whose body has been the source of her fame, yet at the same time being a part of the reason so many women and teenage girls struggle with self esteem, there is something ironic about some being so up in arms that people are focusing on this.

Jessica herself addressed the issue by saying "I feel like in our world today we focus on so many things that are completely pointless." I agree totally. Yet when your focus has been your body, your looks, your sex appeal throughout each and every job you have done you really have no reason to complain.

I do not wish pain for Jessica, but I do hope somewhere in this silly little story the real lesson and issue comes through. Jessica got by on her looks, she has had difficulty with finding work the past few years. She has had one disaster moment after another (Can we say 9 to 5?). Hopefully the lesson will be for people to focus on their education and their talents. If Jessica had those things behind her she might not have to worry that people would focus so much on her looks.

Classic Playgirl Guy of the Day: David Martin

David Martin (Playgirl, discovery, December 1993).

Favorite Pic of the Day for January 30th

Favorite Birthday Boy for January 30th Bernardo Velasco

Model and Terra guy Bernardo Velasco turns 23 today.

Photos below from Elian Gallardo.

Favorite Birthday Boy #2 for January 30th Christian Bale

Actor Christian Bale turns 35 today.

Favorite Face of the Day: Neil Jackson

Could you not just stare into the beautiful face of actor Neil Jackson forever! That face and those eyes are amazing. Although Neil now lives in L.A, he hails from the UK where he has an extensive list of movie, tv and theatre credits. Neil's career was pushed to the next level after meeting director Oliver Stone who cast Neil in Alexander. You might recognize Neil from his roles on 'Cold Case', 'C.S.I, 'How I met your Mother',Stargate' and other US based shows. Neil also had a role in 'Blade The Series' and last years motion pictures 'Quantum of Solice' and 'Push' with Chris Evans. Neil is certainly an actor to keep an eye on! Check out Neil's Myspace page HERE and his official site HERE:

Neil in the UK seris 'Sugar Rush' (2005).

Pic Series Of The Day: Andres by Joseph Bleu

I have posted about one of my favorite photographers, Joseph Bleu, but he has outdone himself with his work with Andres. Check out Joseph's blog HERE: