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chris hemsworth

chris hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth Full-Body Thor
  • Chris Hemsworth Full-Body Thor

  • MacsRgr8
    Sep 7, 08:01 AM
    I am hoping for the full 1920 x 1080 rez movies!

    Best would be 3 sizes available to choose from:

    chris hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth Picture
  • Chris Hemsworth Picture

  • plumbingandtech
    Jan 13, 02:15 PM
    "Macbook Air" was just reregistered on 01.11.08 as a .com
    If this was the true name, Apple would of purchased the name long before Macworld.

    End of Story.


    Read the other thread you posted this comment to, to find out why you are wrong.

    chris hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth Sexy Photos amp;
  • Chris Hemsworth Sexy Photos amp;

  • lordonuthin
    Dec 19, 05:28 PM
    yep, a good thing for sure. we are doing better as a team for real now. just gotta keep people interested and involved

    Too bad we can't get an occational mention on the front page of this here website! ARN, are you out there, hint, hint... I'd write something to post on the front page but I'm not a good writer :D

    chris hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth
  • Chris Hemsworth

  • kildjean
    Nov 28, 11:22 AM
    I work in an EB Games in Maryland. We received like 6 units and have only sold 3 of them. People seem to like the black one over the other colors. We have to tell people about this POS, or else... but most of the people that come in just ask about it in curiosity and they mostly are waiting what apple is goinig to draw out of the hat next.

    If apple draws out whatever they are planning for the next ipod as evveryone thinks (sometime in january 2007), its going to kill the zune.

    chris hemsworth. chris hemsworth thor costume.
  • chris hemsworth thor costume.

  • mkrishnan
    Jan 1, 06:01 PM
    not only that, but none of the rumors really pointed to MWSF for a compact Macbook.

    Agreed... I lust after it, but I have very low expectation of seeing it in January....

    Nice work with the summary, Arn! :D

    One other thing I think are interesting... We widely expect an iLife 07, but there have been basically no rumors related to how it will differ from iLife 06. I mean there're lots of obvious speculations, but....

    chris hemsworth. Anyhoo, Chris Hemsworth fans,
  • Anyhoo, Chris Hemsworth fans,

  • Frosticus
    Apr 20, 08:10 AM
    So what are we looking at? 1-2 weeks?:cool:
    I hope so! Lots of time to play with it while I'm on Easter break from work! :)

    chris hemsworth. #39;Thor#39; - Chris Hemsworth
  • #39;Thor#39; - Chris Hemsworth

  • MistaBungle
    Jan 11, 05:16 PM
    There's something in the air...

    planes shipping iPhones to Canada?

    chris hemsworth. chris hemsworth thor pic.
  • chris hemsworth thor pic.

  • yg17
    Mar 24, 12:02 PM
    No trying to substitute facts and history with your own beliefs. Homosexuality is not natural, there is no natural way for reproduction which is the whole purpose of sex or the "reproduction system" as it may be classified.

    So someone who is sterile due to medical reasons shouldn't be allowed to marry either? There's no natural way for them to reproduce.

    chris hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth Talks Thor!
  • Chris Hemsworth Talks Thor!

  • aussie_geek
    Oct 23, 08:17 PM
    ...or that may come when Santa Rosa is introduced, after which the chipset will be able to address more than 3.2 GB of physical RAM, and may have better support for 64 bit APIs...

    BINGO - as i said in a previous post.

    Santa rosa is the one to hang out for. core2duo merom is the equivalent of an "Apple Speed Bump next tuesday".

    Nothing to cream over. Nothing to hold off for :rolleyes: :p


    chris hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth
  • Chris Hemsworth

  • standingquiet
    Jan 10, 04:19 PM
    I have to agree. I probably wouldn't buy one myself, even if I could. But I'd love to drive one just try it out. As it is I think my JCW was too much, but it's a hell of a fun car to drive, and very fast around a circuit.

    Yeah John Cooper Works are great cars, all of the new minis handle great

    chris hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth Thor Slurpee
  • Chris Hemsworth Thor Slurpee

  • jxyama
    Mar 19, 04:44 PM
    well for just once I would like the fastest single cpu in one of the consumer models and give it a good video card. thats all not asking for the world.

    for "consumer prices"? doubtful, because you are asking for a top-notch gaming machine. it's not a consumer machine at all. so why should it be priced as such?

    do you call a PC with PIV EE with a top notch radeon video card "consumer"? is it priced as "consumer" machine?

    chris hemsworth. Chris Hemsworth
  • Chris Hemsworth

  • ryannel2003
    Feb 22, 10:34 PM

    My new addition, a white MacBook. It's a mid-2007 model I picked up for $400. Not a bad deal at all, considering many of these computers are still going for $550. Apple installed a new top case and display bezel for free, picked up a used Combo drive for $40 (old one was kaput) and a fresh install of Snow Leopard and I'm ready to go. Really enjoying it.

    chris hemsworth. chris hemsworth thor pic.
  • chris hemsworth thor pic.

  • archer75
    May 3, 04:37 PM
    Well, you got what you wanted on the 2GB 6970m! At least as a BTO option.

    Yep, I am pleasantly surprised. I ordered one.

    chris hemsworth. chris hemsworth
  • chris hemsworth

  • hyperpasta
    Jul 18, 02:03 PM
    Rentals are stupid...what if something comes up and I can't watch my movie within the alotted time? I'm just screwed, then?

    Actually, other online movie rental services serve up "frozen" movies. You can keep a frozen movie for a month without it expiring. To watch it, you must "thaw" the movie. Then it expires a week later. In this way, you can download a movie when convenient and watch when convenient... not much pressure at all. Simply thaw the movie when you're ready to watch.

    The only way I see this being announced at WWDC is if it ties in with Leopard's rumored BitTorrent feature. However, this doesn't make much sense, since what will Tiger/Panther/Windows users do to get movies?

    chris hemsworth. thor chris hemsworth 8 Debut
  • thor chris hemsworth 8 Debut

  • lorductape
    Nov 29, 02:44 PM
    Maybe the iTV can zap the MPAA and all those movie execs into white dust :D

    chris hemsworth. Still of Chris Hemsworth in
  • Still of Chris Hemsworth in

  • mikethebigo
    Apr 2, 07:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    amazing commercial that gets to the core of why the apple experience is so good. kudos marketing team.

    chris hemsworth. #39;Thor#39; Star Chris Hemsworth
  • #39;Thor#39; Star Chris Hemsworth

  • slackpacker
    Apr 13, 05:20 AM
    Basically - All hardware has to come up with new drivers - I did not see anything about Plug-in support. And I see no reason why Apple will release boxed copies. But maybe they will to placate us all. FCX is what I wanted Apple to do. Trash the old and make something new and modern. Unfortunately the Original Programer of FC is no longer with Apple so the old code was unusable.But when you do that you have to re-build the feature set from scratch.

    chris hemsworth. Muscular Chris Hemsworth is
  • Muscular Chris Hemsworth is

  • fashi0nless
    Sep 17, 11:51 PM
    I got the griffin reveal case at bestbuy today. real nice. fits really good and looks good, I like the little stand that comes w/ it as well.

    chris hemsworth. chris hemsworth thor. chris
  • chris hemsworth thor. chris

  • Madmic23
    Sep 1, 02:26 PM
    hopefully this 23 inch one adds something more than just a bigger screen....such as component RGB input which would allow me to hook my my xbox 360 to play. that would RULE.

    of course, that is unlikely.

    does anyone actually know how to use iMac screen to play xbox 360?

    You can already play your Xbox 360 on your iMac, just not in high def. Buy an EyeTV TV adapter that has the game mode, and you can play that way. The best input available on there is an Svideo connection, so you want get HD, but it's still a pretty crisp picture.

    Aug 29, 09:44 AM
    i think the main thing instead of saying apple is a full 64-bit company is to say they are a full dual-core company, which if they put in meron, one will have to still be single core. dual core yonah or single core meron? (in the base machine)

    Mar 20, 03:57 PM
    No-one could possibly be offended by homeopathy.

    Aug 16, 10:01 AM
    They just pulled it off their website a few minutes ago but it was a photo of the wireless iPod!


    I saved a pic of it in my cache and posted for you to see!!!

    It does iTunes and video and the screen is enormous!!

    Full screen iChat messaging is availble with the built in iSight!

    It is also in black!


    I can't wait to get my hands on one of these, looks great for watching movies.

    Jan 31, 07:18 PM
    It's keeping the OEM 17s, I look the OEM+ look. It's simple and good looking.

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 19, 01:22 PM
    yet again it goes back to who has AWACS which yet again is the US. do not have as many AWACS and AWACS are very critically for providing communication and support.

    The French and British are perfectly capable of carrying on an air war without US help (though we are undoubtedly helping). Just because our air power is greater does not mean it is locally superior either. The French are flying from French bases, so they can presumably call upon all of their resources as needed.