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inside oprah winfrey house pictures

inside oprah winfrey house pictures. Gеt thе deets inside plus find
  • Gеt thе deets inside plus find

  • Salacion
    Apr 22, 06:04 PM
    If it has the teardrop shape I will not buy it. I hate the look of the iPod Touch.

    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. Talkshow guru Oprah Winfrey is
  • Talkshow guru Oprah Winfrey is

  • Sodner
    Apr 25, 05:29 PM
    Yeah!!!! New iMac here I come!!

    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. dinner with Oprah Winfrey,
  • dinner with Oprah Winfrey,

  • Detlev_73
    Oct 23, 07:35 PM
    OMG, ROTFL!!!

    This is HILARIOUS! We should send this to all our so-called "friends" who use Windows.

    Well then...if this is the case, who needs XP or Vista? I may just install Windows RG on my macbook pro when I get it. And yes...we educated Windows RG users use only the best hardware. I'll be waiting for C2D too. :)

    For me, it's either Mac OS Windows RG. :rolleyes:

    For a preview of Windows RG: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/winrg.php

    :D ;)

    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. Oprah-Winfrey-House
  • Oprah-Winfrey-House

  • centauratlas
    Apr 24, 12:51 PM
    A couple of other interesting points (at least to me). Maybe it is meaningless, but kind of makes one wonder: What is the "Apple Movie" on the Bandwidth Test page? (Picture 4)

    Also, the proximity sensor if visible on picture 24/25 range.


    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. Oprah and her mother may have
  • Oprah and her mother may have

  • Fearless Leader
    Oct 24, 07:59 AM
    well i'm still happy with my core duo mbp. the three months i had it v.s. the supposed "39%" speed bump should even out by the time i need a new one.

    side note: if i was crazy, could i put one of those dvd drives in my mbp also the new 200gb HD will it fit? anyone know?

    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. Oprah#39;s Farewell -- Inside the
  • Oprah#39;s Farewell -- Inside the

  • goobot
    Apr 22, 04:36 PM
    ya no,

    any rumors on hspa+?


    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. This is Oprah Winfrey#39;s closet
  • This is Oprah Winfrey#39;s closet

  • inaka
    May 4, 06:01 PM
    Dont worry release a white iphone and people will buy it instead :rolleyes:

    I just did.
    Ordered the white iphone 4...ships in a few days.

    And when the iPhone 5 comes out, i'll buy that in a year or so too.

    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. Also inside the issue is a
  • Also inside the issue is a

  • jiminaus
    May 3, 08:30 AM
    Wouldn't it be smart to wait for Lion in 2 months and get that for free...

    I'll get it for free anyway. Well, $99 developer account free. :D


    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. Oprah Winfrey#39;s House
  • Oprah Winfrey#39;s House

  • Cougarcat
    Mar 31, 01:04 PM
    I guess now that Macs are only 20% of revenue, we're getting the "B-team" developers and designers.

    Bad interfaces based on silly metaphors isn't a new phenomenon at Apple. May I remind you of this abomination?


    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. Weigh in: Pop2it main Oprah
  • Weigh in: Pop2it main Oprah

  • reubs
    Feb 1, 09:21 PM
    http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/6113/chemex.jpg (http://img21.imageshack.us/i/chemex.jpg/)
    Chemex (6 cup) + Filters

    That looks awesome. I'm back to looking for the best way to brew coffee for iced coffee, and that looks like a good option.


    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. Oprah with the Irwins - Terri,
  • Oprah with the Irwins - Terri,

  • FX4568
    Apr 17, 08:12 PM
    Are you really going to carry all those? If you want to travel with the thing, just take what you need. I can see an Air + external 2.5inch RAID being a nice minimalist setup for video editing.

    This is a personal opinion but here: If i had to carry a 1.5 pound weighing 2.5 inch RAID, I rather buy a MBP 13. But again, this my personal opinion, and you are entitled to yours.

    Sounds like a good trade.

    1 USB port in a laptop? you must be kidding. a USB port for a TB port that is useless until perhaps 6-12 months?

    How does it effect movies? This new GPU is easily powerful enough to decode video. Do you watch all your movies on fast forward or something?
    And what are you using OpenGL for that needs that power? Most apps run fine without much acceleration.

    When we say "enough" and "runs fine" we are thinking of apps that require minimal standards. Man, when we are talking about at least quality games such as WoW, SC2, and MMO's, the difference between 320m and the Intel GPU is the difference between "playable and not playable"

    Is it huge, or is it only 30%?
    These are all just rumours anyway.

    50% in samsung 9 series. they use exactly the same processor.

    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. The tiny house movement
  • The tiny house movement

  • jeffreyropp
    Apr 14, 12:20 PM
    Jailbreaking hole plugged?

    +1 Where's my cloud?


    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. Oprah Winfrey,Stevie Wonder
  • Oprah Winfrey,Stevie Wonder

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 23, 12:26 PM
    Those are companies people don't get attached to. Apple and other tech companies are a much more personal choice, generally. It probably also helps because those people are excited that Apple is making more money, allowing them to deliver more new and innovative products then would be possible with lower cash flow.

    I guess I must be old school, I'm a consumer and I think about my wallet before the corporations treasure chest. Apple isn't pumping most of the profits back int the company or paying it out to shareholders. It's sitting in the bank. Or maybe they have something unimaginably huge in mind and I guess that is a possibility.

    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. INSIDE

  • puckhead193
    Sep 14, 10:12 AM
    Halo Reach. Got it at Best Buy and it came with a free $20 gift card and a blow-up blade :D


    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. on the Oprah Winfrey show
  • on the Oprah Winfrey show

  • EazyWeazy3
    Feb 16, 06:40 PM
    He is definitely living life to the fullest.


    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. Oprah Winfrey (born Orpah Gail
  • Oprah Winfrey (born Orpah Gail

  • Penn Jennings
    Apr 19, 02:03 AM
    Is it huge, or is it only 30%?
    These are all just rumours anyway.

    30% is huge. 30% is statistically "significant".


    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. on Oprah Winfrey#39;s show,
  • on Oprah Winfrey#39;s show,

  • Thomas Harte
    Jun 6, 04:30 AM
    There should be a setting something like:
    - Never ask for password for purchases of $X and under.
    - Always ask for password for purchases of $Y and over.

    The first one would be nice so it I could set it to free and easily update my apps.
    The second would help prevent cases like the OP.

    Per the Apple way, it wouldn't be a user configurable setting. But otherwise, I agree.

    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. Oprah Winfrey
  • Oprah Winfrey

  • robbieduncan
    Oct 24, 09:10 AM
    Finally, still confused as to why there is no 7200RPM drive option for the 15".

    I wanna order with a glossy screen but i'm scared i wont be able to return this if it has probless. Isnt glossy screen a BTO option?

    ANY change from the default spec is BTO (or CTO). The tech specs pages says:

    "15.4-inch (diagonal) TFT display, support for millions of colors; optional glossy widescreen display"

    Sounds like glossy is BTO to me.

    inside oprah winfrey house pictures. As “The Oprah Winfrey Show”
  • As “The Oprah Winfrey Show”

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 29, 10:00 AM
    It's still only going to be an iPhone 4 at best like the 3GS was a bumped buy me again iPhone 3G! People are expecting loads of hardware bumps and a redesign like the iPhone 4 we won't see it!

    The 3GS was quite a bump from the 3G. Anyone thinking/claiming otherwise has never owned a 3GS.

    An iPhone "4S" would still be quite an upgrade over the iPhone 4, even if it is just more ram and an A5 chip (with a much better SGX543-MP2 GPU). And it would still very much be the iPhone 5 as in 5th Generation iPhone. Just like the iPhone 3GS was the 3rd generation iPhone to the iPhone 3G's 2nd generation status.

    Jul 22, 12:37 AM
    looks like he's love'n the bunny:D
    No, that's this guy (http://www.lebonze.co.uk/playground/bunnylove.htm).

    Apr 15, 06:47 AM
    LOL. White iPhone 4 will be the duke nukem forever of iPhones.

    +1 :D

    Does anyone have any id�a how come it took such a long time? Isn't the only difference the color of the plastic? oO

    May 3, 08:29 AM
    OMG double thunderbolt! So intense!

    Apr 26, 12:06 PM
    No real surprise here. Apple has been charging for MobileMe. Why not this service.

    Just ruined my freakin day. I was really hoping it would be an added benefit instead of a paid feature.

    Ick. :rolleyes:
    Why would I pay for that?

    Should have bloody known >:(

    Well they won't be charging me.

    You wouldn't consider paying $20 per YEAR?

    Jul 22, 11:02 PM
    My 2�...

    I 100% agree with the sentiment that Apple should not try to have a meteoric growth rate. From what I've seen over the years, a company can grow to any size it wants and be stable, but if it does it too fast (or, frankly, if it does it for the wrong reasons) it becomes unwieldly and unstable, and eventually will die. I know people here will laugh when I say this, but I fully expect to see this phenominon happen to both Wal-Mart and Home Depot, just like it's happened to countless other companies who got too big too quickly.

    I firmly believe that marketshare is significant in that it is a make or break for software and peripheral development. It is also significant in that it contributes to overall "mindshare". Now, you can accept or reject "mindshare" if you like, but it absolutely has an effect because people believe it is important.

    Furthermore, I have issues with the comments about marketshare increase alone as a primary contributor to getting Macs back into schools. The reason I have a problem with that is that school boards and school superintendants are typically in the back pocket of the IT staffs of the district, and so many of those staffs out there are all MS-heads. Until you can replace those folks (not convert, not convince, but replace) you're hardly likely to see much penetration into the educational market.

    And with both businesses and schools, it's incredibly ironic that they cling -- positively cling -- to Microsoft and all things Microsoft and only things Microsoft, even despite the tide of spyware, malware, viruses and incessant security hole exploitation. I mean, they'll bitch and moan about all the holes they had to patch and all the viruses they had to contend with and all the maintenance issues which fill up their day, but mention "Macintosh" just once and they'll immediately jump on the bandwagon of "Anything not made by Microsoft sucks. Oh, and Macs doubly suck, and nobody uses them, and there isn't any software for them, and they just crash all the time." Yadda yadda yadda. Geez, if I had a nickle for everytime I heard that crap come out of the mouth of an allegedly-savvy IT guy...

    Anyhow, one factor of significant import is Linux's market share, which is now either equal to or slightly in excess of Apple's. It's a good thing, on the one hand, because it means that competition is alive and well in the OS marketplace. But it also should serve as a wake-up call to Apple. They should know full-well what this means, since they're (at least to a degree) in bed with the Open Source crowd.