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So I finally watched the movie EASY A! I've actually been wanting to see that for awhile and haven't until now!!! I mean you know the story...a girl helps her gay friend out by pretending to have sex with him which makes him the popular guy in high school. This turns into all the "unpopular" boys in high school using her to make themselves popular, by "saying" she hooked up with them even though she hasn't...A BIZARRE TWIST INDEED.

Some of the storylines were based off other movies, but most notably the infamous book turned movie The Scarlet Letter, hence the big red EASY A Olive [Emma Stone] wears. She soon finds out that helping all these guys by pretending to be a "slut" wasn't exactly all it's made out to be. She soon had the bad reputation in high school for doing things she didn't even do in reality, but it gets worse when this guy was actually trying to hook up with her because of her "whore" reputation. This makes her sick game turn into reality, and makes her want to turn a new leaf and come out with the truth.

But this had me thinking...What are guys really into? Of course when you're younger, it's cool to be "experienced" when it comes to hooking up, but is it really?! Or is the facade that hooking up is the cool thing to do. There's nothing to brag about when it comes to that, what's really genuine is being yourself and having other people see the real you not be influenced by outside forces. At first guys want the experienced girl, but when they look for "wifey" material, they want the somewhat "clean/innocent" girl. It's dumb that guys have double standards, they can't even follow themselves...Is being an independent female a trait men want, to the extent where they can't express their sexual opinions and fulfill their desires?! I think even though men say they want an independent female, they also want a woman who they know depends on them too. The point is, to not lose sight of yourself and your own personal values when it comes to the "trends" or the opposite sex because in time, someone will appreciate you for those individual qualities that are unlike others.

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me


You Just Do You, Imma Do Me
