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~Happy Birthday to ME!~

See it all started in 1983 . . .
A lovely young couple with a 2 year old boy BADLY wanted a girl . . .
and so did this boy (love you Brian!)

 What a chub-ster huh?!

This little diva loved Strawberry Shortcake
 . . . .
(Flash Forward)
(Sparing you a really really awkward stage of pics here!)
Isn't it funny to look back on old pictures, b/c at the time you thought you were So Rad!
Now they're just funny
. . .
Did a bunch of plays in middle school

Tried out a little modeling lol

 Sophmore in HS

 Flash forward a few years . . .
22nd birthday

23rd birthday
24th birthday
25th birthday

26th birthday

27th birthday
 and now . . . .



After my 28 whole years of life . . .
I am the happiest I have ever been.
The most comfortable in my skin
The most confident.

I truly am blessed with so many amazing family and extended family members,
the most amazing husband and best friend I could ever imagine
Some pretty freaking fabulous friends
(who we have been through some crazy times together, good and bad and I love ya'll!)
3 cute little kiddos (our pups)
and am embarking on a new journey . . .

Here's to many more great years . . .
and life getting better and better by each birthday!
The best is yet to come!

~Tamara Nicole~

Psssst mom and dad thank you so much for bringing me into this world!