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~Happy Cinco de Mayo~

"Cinco de Mayo
—or the fifth of May—commemorates the Mexican army's 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the French-Mexican War. In the United States, it has taken on significance and commercial value as a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage, particularly in areas with substantial Mexican-American populations" (source)

So while you celebrate the "commercial" holiday . . . usually with a yummy salty margarita or corona in hand, let's celebrate with Mexico their victory!
(and who doesn't love the yummy mexican drinks?!)

So to celebrate . . .

An Award!!!

***Thanks to the Oh-so-FABULOUS Marie***

Her blog is pretty stinkin' amazing, do check her out here

The rules:

State 5 random facts about yourself and award 5 other bloggers.

5 Random facts about me
(Cinco de Mayo style!)

*My name in Espanol class in Highschool was Leticia . . . now it's my alter-sexy ego*

*Mmmm my fave margarita was one at a bar that had Midouri Sour, YUM.  Lately I've been a huge margarita girl*

*We went to Spain for our honeymoon! What a blast we had travelling all over the place, will do a post on our honeymoon soon*

*My initials after marrying Andy are T.N.A. lol, although I like to think I have curves . . . I don't really live up to my initials . . . hee hee hee*

*I went on a mini cruise to Mexico like 5 years ago for work (yes my boss rocks, I know!).  My friend Candace and I were called "American Barbies" by the locals at a flea market, funny funny!!!*

Sooooo now I pass this on to some of my new followers that are oh-so-fab as well:
*Miles of Style*
*Ocean Dreams*
*The Alternative Wife*
*The Zhush*

If you haven't checked out their blogs do it!

So what are you doing tonight to celebrate?!

Fiesta time!!!

~Tamara Nicole~

P.S. Seriously you all rock! Wanna know why?
My last post had the most comments I've had so far!!! Spank you so much;-)