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~My Weekend of cooking, shopping, eating, pampering~

Happy Gorgeous Monday!

We'll keep this semi-short for your reading pleasure:-)
(ya'll know that's hard for me! I always have something to say lol)

***My fabulous weekend highlights***
The hubster and I went to finish last minute shopping for trip clothes:-)

Heck yes! Joe's Jeans "booty fit".  I'm. In. Mad. Love.
Seriously amazing jeans, just saying:-)

Happy Tammy:
Bob's Burgers and Brews has been on our "to do list" for ever:-) 

Andy lovin his beer

***Sunday: the in-laws came over for Tex-Mex night***
I was so happy to finally use our margarita glasses from our wedding!!!
My cute hubby
Making the yummy Mango Salsa!!! OMG sooo good, for the recipe go HERE
Also I didn't take pics of the rest, but I also made a  Tex-mex salad (here)
and the BEST Corn Chowder ever (here)
Seriously, try it! And add extra hot sauce!!!


This morning I went and had a spa pedicure, amazing!!!
Now my toesies are ready for vaca too:-)

Getting back to doing yoga more often, feeling good!

Countdown to Europe!
Here is a photo from our last vaca, in Venice

***New Items in shop***

Sunshine and Swirls Picture Frame

***My Most Recent Etsy Purchase***
Yummy and great for exfoliating!!! Love it:-)

And I leave you with an adorable picture of my niece, awww isn't she stinkin cute?!
Happy Monday!!! Hope today was a great start to your week:-)
~Tamara Nicole~