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Birthday Week!

~My Fabulous Birthday Week~

Ok seriously when it comes to birthdays, I turn into a little girl (ok my husband may say "princess") lol.  I can't help it, I get sooooo excited.  Birthdays are a huge deal. 
Especially mine . . . ha ha! 
Just playing, but now that I'm TWENTY SEVEN, I've relaxed a little and have realized it's not how big your party is, it's who you spend your special day (or week!) with:-)
So far:
*last Wednesday in Luxembourg Ted and Marina (bro in law and wifey) took us out for dinner to a "authentic Luxembourish" dinner for my b-day.  Thank you! The food was amazing, will have to go back and visit for more*

*Saturday Girl's Birthday Brunch*

*Hubby Birthday dinner at Ruth Chris Steakhouse, mmmmm*
My silly "this drink is strong!" look!

Andy being all handsome and whatnot

*Cheesecake Factory and Birthday celebration with the in-laws! They spoil me!*

Still to come:
*Work lunch with my girls*
*Dinner with my fellow creative friend, and one of my besties!!! Bethany*
*BBQ with my family next Sat*

Ok everyone needs a birthday week, right?!

We have been going through our 4,000 photos from our recent European vacation
Still catching up on sleep and laundry.
Stay tuned for our funny stories, and great photos, and non stop food from our trip!

~Memory Bean Designs has a Facebook Fan Page!~
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I'll post upcoming giveaways, lotsa photos, discounts, etc.
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***Also if any of you lovely bloggers have Facebook fan pages too let me know, I'll totally add you too***
~Fabulously Free Mondays~
Starting next Monday (yes a week from today!)I will be doing almost weekly giveaways!!!
  The Lovely Etsy shops are hand chosen by yours truly to make sure it's the best of the best! Along with the giveaways will be some fun interview questions:-)

Sneak Peak:

(If you want to sponsor a giveaway here on my blog, or know an Etsy shop you'd like to see on here, please email me memorybeandesigns@yahoo.com for more info)

I hope you all have a fantabulous Monday, and a great week!!!