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We're Back . . . and Jet Lagged!!!

We're baaaaack!!!

And very, very jet lagged after our 18 hours of traveling yesterday

We have MANY many many stories,
what a absolute adventure we had!

WAY too much amazing food . . .
Cancelled flight . . .
Amazing bakeries . . .
10 miles a day walking-ish . . .
missed part of the cruise . . .
mmmm espresso! . . .
 lost luggage . . .
barely missed train . . .
almost lost our luggage again . . .
Had good times . . .

lol crazy crazy but what a fun ride!!!

Despite all the insane things that happened we created sooo many memories, and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?! I think travelling is GREAT bonding and strenghthening for relationships . . . now I'd say we're ready for The Amazing Race!!!

With our four thousand pictures we took collectively . . . it will take a while to go through and pick my faves, and edit, etc. So here are a few shots to tie you over:-)

~Hubster and me at Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy~

~Leaning Tower of Pisa in Pisa, Italy~
~Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy~

~Ponte Vecchio in Florence, Italy~

~Cassis, France~

So stay tuned for many pics, and lots of fun adventures from:

Rome, Pisa, Florence Italy
Villefranche-sur-Mer, Nice, Eze, Cassis France
Brussels, Belgium
Luxembourg (I got to meet my niece and nephew!!!)

I can't wait to try and catch up on all of your blogs! Will take a minute or two lol but I kinda missed blog land:-)

Good to be back home!!!
(off to do like 7 loads of laundry, wooo hooo!)

~Tamara Nicole~

My BIRTHDAY is Sunday, wooo hooo!!! Will be the big TWO SEVEN! So lots more eating/celebrating this weekend, then a strick diet and exercise plan to get rid of all this gained yummy food weight!