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Europe Vaca Photo Sneak Peak

Sooo I'm FINALLY getting to the point where I have time to edit and sift through our 4000 pics from our "Euro Vaca 2010"!
It's about time, right?
 About a month after we return:
here are a few sneak peak pics from Rome to tie you over . . .
many many more pics to come!!!

So alas . . .

Andy's fave city in the world . . . Rome:
(Can't decide if mine is Venice, Santorini, or Paris!)
Andy; you make the BEST travel partner! Even though we missed our flight and first 3 days of cruise due to ash cloud, AND our luggage was lost for 2 days . . . 
we made it an adventure and had a BLAST!
In the heart of Rome
Can't get enough of all the fabulous architecture of the buildings and statues!
Lil Ole me walking towards the Colloseum

Inside the Colloseum, amazing!!!
I swear even though we've been here before, it's just breathtaking!
And the history is crazy-style!


Ok and these are just a few pics just from 2 hours of Rome on the first day . . . more soon!
And tales of missing luggage, gelato galore, pizza, pasta, vino, and lots of walking!!!

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend!!! We're off to take our lil kiddos to the Dog Park, and then to a housewarming party!

P.S. anyone know how I can center my banner?  Looks kinda silly to the left????  Hmmmm:-)