Sooooo yeah . . . it's Thursday and I'm posting about my weekend . . .
BUT my weekend went until Tues!
First off . . . I have a fabulous GIVEAWAY this week hosted by
She's pretty much amazing!
~Giveaway ends Monday~
Now on to my lovely long weekend:
My family birthday celebration!
(Oh yes, I drag my birthday out as long as possible! Hee hee)
ALSO Sat was my older brother's birthday, so we celebrated our joint birthdays at my Grandma and Grandpa's house!
Mmmm more cake!
It was soooo good to see the family:-)
There are so many of us, sometimes it's hard to make it all work!
Then Saturday night we went to go see the Goo Goo Dolls at the Snoqualmie Casino!
(ok and now I know I'm getting old . . . going to a casino for concerts?!)
*Me cheesin' it up*
Sooo when my hubby and I first started dating . . . a few years ago:-)
We made a "to do" list of all the things we wanted to do together! So Goo Goo Dolls was one of them. CHECK! Part of my b-day present, thanks baby!
But were unsuccessful.
People watching was interesting! Hmmm don't think we're cut out for the casino crowd . . . but had fun!!!
For Andy's dad's birthday celebration we went to Emerald Downs to the Horse Races! He does that every year, we have a blast!
(look at those blue eyes! Cutie Pie)
Here's the in-laws, aren't they cute?
Ok I was stoked!!! My $3 to win bet on horse #4 was 20-1!!! AND it won!!!!! So my $3 turned into $60, SWEET!
I know it isn't a ton of moolah,
but the fact that I was a WINNER was all that mattered:-)
(i want our future babies to get his eyes, for serious!)
(Photo Op!)
Black Forest Cake from Hoffman's bakery, yummmmmm!
Make a wish!

Shopping!!! Spent my birthday moolah in ONE STORE!
BUT got some major cute tops and dresses for summer, now where's my summer weather?! Pics to come:-)
Was a paid day home! We normally work 4 tens, but since Monday was a holiday we got Tues off, sweet! So I caught up in blogland, worked on posting more items in my Etsy, cleaned cleaned cleaned.
Wooo hooo!
Hope you all are having an amazing day!
(Just did yoga and feeeeeeling goooood!)
~Tamara Nicole