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~Bring on the New Year!!!~

I don't know about you all, but I am sooooo ready and pumped to welcome the
New Year!

Bring it!

We had a fabulous 2010 . . .
~Went on an amazing trip to Europe~
~Started our investment portfolio together~
~I built my business/passion~
~We adopted LuLu~
~I started my blog~
~We turned a room into my office~
~Spent great time with family and friends~

Now onto a New beginning.

I decided instead of writing a long list of resolutions, I wanted a word for 2011.
(kind of like in Eat, Pray, Love!)
and my word is . . .


I am ready to forge forward in life, but also to find balance between everything.

2011 for me will be all about organization, sifting out some unnecessary things to make room for the fun and fulfilling, getting my life together, making sure to balance work with an adventurous life, and make sure to spend quality time and make many memories with my amazing husband, and all my loved ones.

I want to delve deeper into a few great friendships, and focus on quality, not quantity.

I will continue to work on my Day Zero Challenge, 101 goals in 1001 days and blog about our adventures.

We have TWO trips around Europe planned (loooove mileage reward cc!), and this may be our last full year to travel and only enjoy each other before we think about any additions (what?!)

So in 2011 I will balance all my craziness so that I can live a full, happy life.

What is your word for 2011?!

I hope you all have a fun New Year's Eve planned with the one's you love, can't wait to see pics, etc. in the New Year.

HAPPY NEW YEAR blog friends!!!