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~Fabulously Free Giveaway . . . Hosted by City of Dionne~

Here's a fun giveaway for all of you!
and some eye candy!
The lovely Dionne from City of Dionne is hosting this great Giveaway!
Most of you probably already know her from her adorable blog
and she also has a cute shop on etsy as well.

So although some of you already know about this artist/blogger extraordinare,
here's a few fun facts:

Me: "Where do you gather inspiration from?"

Dionne: "Food. Yup food. I am a major foodie, so restaurants, cooking classes, food reality shows, they all inspire me - even when it comes to crafts and graphic design. Food is so naturally beautiful, and just by arranging it in a certain way you can really elevate things - I like to try and do that with my art too."

Me: "Give us 2 words to describe your personal style"

Dionne: "In my art: whimsical, playful

In my fashion sense: eclectic, accessorized"

Me: "What are your top 3 favorite shops/online stores?"

Dionne: "Anthropologie, Ruche and Williams Sonoma."

Me: "What was the BEST handmade gift that anyone has ever given you?"

Dionne: "A lovely scrapbook that my friend made for me when I moved from Cali to Texas. It was so personal and took so much time and effort. I love it."

Me: "What influenced you opening your Etsy shop?"

Dionne: "I love the handmade community. I found Etsy when looking for unique Bridesmaids gifts for my wedding, and then when I moved to Houston, decided to take a stab and selling my own stuff on there.
I figured that since my buying experience on there was so much fun, selling would have to be too!"

Me: "Tell us a little bit about your creative process"

Dionne: "I love color and texture and layers. For my photography I like layering colors and light and with my illustrations I really like mixing vintage looking items with modern whimsy. Usually when I draw I think of something I want to convey - a feeling - and then let my creativity take it from there."

Me: "What do you want others to get out of your items/shop?"

Dionne: "Custom Illustrations. People see my stuff featured on a blog or look through my sold items and want something created for them. I love custom orders!"

Me: "What is your favorite item in your shop, or your top-seller?"

Dionne: "I really like my card sets."

Me: "Besides your wonderful items in your shop, what are some of your other creative outlets/hobbies?"

Dionne: "I LOVE to cook and bake. I have only been doing it for 2 years, but LOVE the creative juices that flow from it."

Me: "Is there anything else that you would like to share with us about you or your fabulous creations?"

Dionne: "I hope that my work can bring you as much joy as creating it brings me!"

~The Giveaway~

Win either a photography print or a super cute card set!

To enter:
Be a follower of my blog
~Tell us which lovely item in her shop you would choose~

Random winner will be chosen,
Giveaway ends December 9th at midnight PST.

Open to all worldwide!
Good luck and . . .