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~Christmas Extravaganza!~

I hope you all out there in Blogland had an AMAZING Christmas with your friends, loved ones and family!
We sure did!
It was a crazy whirlwind of fun, parties, gatherings, food, treats, coffee meetings, and gifts.
Soooooo fun!

If I went through each event and gift received, etc. it would take toooo long and I'd bore, but here are some highlights:

Gift exchange and coffee with work girlies

Holiday work luncheon

Family Christmas Extravaganza downtown Seattle!
Gingerbread House made out of rice crispies!

Happy Hour and yum drinks at the Georgian

My name's on the good list, yayy!

The fam!

Our 2nd year visiting Curley and Moe and reindeer

Christmas Eve at the In-laws

Friend gift exchange at Editt's (thank girly!)

Christmas at our place . . . Here's my niece Keilani (future Sounder's fan!)

Soooo excited for my scarf!

My cute lil nephew Henry:-)

Keilani likes to climb in boxes, she's so cute!

Lol my sister's gift box for me, silly!

So that's a few of our holiday adventures,
I'll post on all the amazing gifts I scored tomorrow, I got spoiled rotten for sure!!!

How was your Christmas?!

What was your fave gift you received?


I can't believe its over, on to a new year sooon!!!

Pssst . . . mid-Jan is my 1 year blog anniversary!
Can't believe it's already been so long!!!

I'm hosting a $40 Memory Bean Designs Giveaway over at Kitchen Belleicious, chk it out!