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~Tunes for your Tuesday . . . Joshua Radin! AND a few gifts that I got spoiled with . . .~

I know the true meaning of Christmas.
 I know it's all about Jesus and family and friends.
Cherishing and spending time with the ones you love.

Which I am grateful for all of the above!

But I do have to say a great side benefit is awesome gifts from my special people. . .

So a few lovely gifts I was fortunate to receive this year
(part I)

~Concert tickets to one of our favorite singers!~
Thanks baby!
Joshua Radin:

~The Kindle!~
My baby started me off by loading it with "House Rules", The Bible, and "Picture Perfect"

~House Beautiful~
Thanks for the subscription sis!!!

~Bulova Watch~
(Thank you my new mom and dad!)

~North Face Jacket~

~Polka Dot Rain Boots~
(Been searching for these forever! Love you Bekah!)

~Gift card for $100 to Purple~
(yum! Thanks bro-in-law)
Have you been there?! Sooo good!

~Some fun VS items hee hee~

~We both got Sounder's Scarfs!~

And Part II coming soon,
I wanted to take some fun pics of the other fun items I received . . .
Maybe a few outfit pics???!!!

Oooh and I finished the FOUR handbags and the quilt, pics to come soon:-)

Happy Tuesday to you all!!!