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~Mosaic Monday and Girl's Holiday Party~

Happy Monday to you all!
Totally in the girly Christmas spirit.

Tree: Decorated!
Gifts: Wrapped!
House: Lights up and decorated!
Music: Downloaded and on Ipod!
Life: GREAT!
I hope your weekend was full of fun, laughter and good times.
Mine was!

Girl's Christmas Party!
Held my (5th) annual girl's Christmas Party Sat, so much fun!

Outfit inspiration:
Cabin fever/snow angel


 Silly faces

 Made 3 kinds of fondue, and everybody brought food/treats/drinks to share. 
So much food!!!
 My sister and me, watch out we're crazy!

 Andy snuck in to steal some food, a few times:-)
 How stinkin cute right?!
 Lil adorable Kate
 My new slippers: LOVE!

 We all had a blast and talked for hours . . . yeah like 6 hours:-)
Fun times were had, lots of laughing, house is now decorated and ready for the holidays!
How was your weekend?
Any super fun Christmas plans in the works?

Hope you have a lovely Monday!