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~Happy Friday~

Hey ya'll!

Ok things have been crazy-style busy lately, but good busy:-)
*Time with family*
*Lots of eating and eating and eating*
*Seafair tomorrow!*
*Etsy shop is picking up*

Life is good!
Just wanted to share
~My current LOVE~
Wall Murals

"Fashion designer Liza Bruce and her husband, artist and jewelry designer Nicholas Alvis Vega, took a bold approach to decorating their living room in Jaipur, India, with a whimsical hand-painted floral motif inspired by vivid vintage saris."

Photographer: Simon Upton

Wouldn't it be freaking awesome to have a room like this?!

I want:-)

Happy Friday!!!

What are your weekend plans???
I hope it involves lots of fun times with friends and family!