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~Home Decor Inspirations~

All weekend
(ok it just feels like it)
my hubby and I have been working on my
office space!!!
I now have trim, a new door, new window trim, crown molding, a super cute doorknob and new knobs for my closet doors. 
Many trips to Home Depot, and
thank heaven for a handy hubby.

Anywho pics to come soon . . .

So I'm not even do with my office space, and I'm already brainstorming ideas for my bathroom decor.
See this is how my brain works!
Nope . . . can't just focus on one thing, I have to be all scattered all over!

My bathroom inspiration:

Green and Gray

I even started making some wall hooks to hold my jewelry and robes, etc . . .
will post when done!

this wallpaper is absolutely fab:

Add lots of fun green accents . . .
Ok there's my daydream decor project!

~If you had unlimited funds and time . . . how would you re-do your bathroom???~
*I'd love to hear your ideas/dreams/colors*