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~Fabulously Free Giveaway~ & ~Mosiac Monday~

Happy Monday!!!
So a little *Mosaic Monday* to prepare for our giveaway

Don't you just love good ole mail?!
Go chk it out and join in! I have a few pen pals I gained from this, and love it!

Ok so speaking of love letters and mail . . .
***Another hand picked Fabulously Free Giveaway***
Hosted by TJ from the adorable Etsy shop

Me:"What influenced you opening your Etsy shop?"

TJ: "I opened my Etsy shop just to test the waters with my products to see if anyone would buy them. So far, so good!"

Me: "Where do you gather inspiration from?"

TJ: "Gosh, inspiration comes from everywhere. A car driving down the road, a photo online, clothing, a phrase or expression of speech, music, basically from anything I see or hear. You never know when inspiration will hit you, so when it does write it down!"
Me:"Give us 2 words to describe your personal style"
TJ:"contemporary and classic"

Me: "What are your top 3 favorite shops/online stores?"
TJ:"j crew, theory, piperlime (I know, not super original, but it's the truth!)"

Me: "What was the BEST handmade gift that anyone has ever given you?"
TJ: "I don't think I've ever gotten a handmade gift!"

Me: "Tell us a little bit about your creative process."

TJ: "My creative process starts with an inspiration. I run a lot of my ideas by one of my besties to see what she thinks. If she thinks the idea is worth pursuing, then I move onto brainstorming ways to execute the idea. Once I've decided on the best solution, I usually got through quite a few revisions before I get to the final design or illustration."

Me: "What is your favorite item in your shop, or your top-seller?"
TJ: "My favorite product is the birthday dots card. It has such a special message."

Me: "Besides your wonderful items in your shop, what are some of your other creative outlets/hobbies?"
TJ: "Some of my hobbies are running, working out, and recently I'm getting into photography (although I have no idea what I'm doing yet!). I also love horseback riding and flying, but I haven't been able to indulge in these pastimes lately."

Me: "What do you want others to get out of your items/shop?"

TJ: "You know, it's a lot easier to buy a greeting card from a store front, so I really appreciate when someone makes the effort to order a card on Etsy. Since they took the time, I really want my customers to be happy with the product; I just want them to be happy."
Me: "Is there anything else that you would like to share with us about you or your fabulous creations?"
TJ: "Just that they're all handmade with love!"

The Giveaway:

~Win $25 worth of her lovely product!!!~

To enter:
(please use a seperate comment per entry!)

*Go visit Ink and Iron and tell me your fave item (1 entry)*
*Tell us what kind of card you would like to see in her shop (1 entry)*
*Be a fab follower of my blog (1 entry)*
*Favorite Ink and Iron on Etsy (1 entry)*

*BLOG about this giveaway (2 entries!)*

So many ways to win!!!

***Giveaway ends midnight PST Monday Aug 8th***
Winner will be picked randomly:-)

Ready, set, win!!!

P.S. if you haven't read it yet, chk out my "August Charity Spotlight"
