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~European Vacation 2010 . . . Day 3 . . . Rome~

Happy Thursday my lovely readers!!!

I am slowly (yes very very slowly) editing and going through our 4000 pics from our May/June Europe trip . . . here is our day #3 in Rome!
Carrying our lil' friend the Garmin . . . sooo helpful in travels!!!
This day we walked a TON and visited several amazing cathedrals and churches, one of our fave things to do in Rome!!!

(again: obsession with doors!)
The sacred steps! This is our second time up these.  You have to crawl on your knees up, and it's such a spiritual experience! These original steps are from Jerusalem, and Jesus had walked on them! The now have the original steps covered in wood, but you can touch the marble as you go up.  Pretty sweet!
Many amazing sights to see!
(ok and same jacket as before- yup 3rd day and NO LUGGAGE!)
But I did go shopping woot woot!
We ventured out to the Baths of Caracalla (lonnnng walk!)
It's crazy to imagine how it used to look
Circus Maximus!
More beautiful ornate churches
Ok so it was raining hard in the afternoon, and all we had was our hotel umbrella which was HUGE! I was walking around bumping the umbrella into Italian people left and right, ooops!
At the Panthenon
Tomb of Raphael
Don't you just LOVE the colors of the buildings?!
It was sooo cute, if you look close you can see a bride and groom hanging out of the window outlooking the plaza. 
Love me some fountains!
Me being cheesy
Mmmmm gelato, we had like 4 a day!

Wooo hooo 3 days down, 12 more to go!
One more day of Rome and than off to France . . .

~Make sure to come back tomorrow~
Sneak Peak:

Hope you all have a LOVELY day!
I'm crazy busy planning my sister's baby shower, my other sister's going away party and keeping up with my Etsy shop, phew!!!
Sorry I've been a lame blog reader I will catch up soon, promise!