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Destination Thursdays . . . on the Island of Capri, Italy

My very first edition of "Destination Thursdays"

Today we're taking a trip to . . .

The lovely Island of Capri in Italy

(Let's go!)

So we arrive to the gorgeous Island via the Port of Marina Grande on motorlaunch . . .
and this is what we see!

and this . . .

(photos via our vaca July 2009)

Then let's head up the hill on the "funicular"
(view from the ride up)
to the famous Capri . . . where celebrities have been spotted walking the street, shopping at the expensive boutiques.

Oh wait . . . is that Jessica Simpson with her new beau?!

Capri is a major destination for celebs . . . there's a good reason it's absolutely breathtaking.  From the fun buildings
To the view from the top
So many gorgeous colors everywhere you look!
Oooh here, let's stop and get a lemon granita!!! Mmmm

~We lunch here~
~We Swim~
~With a glass of Lemoncello~

Then back to our 5 star hotel, Punta Tragara

(we're day dreaming, we totally deserve a super expensive 5 star hotel, right?!)
To get a spa treatment

Then we get all dolled up and head out for a night on the town!
Oh, what up Mariah?! Nick?  You guys all going to The Number Two?

We all get our dance on . . .
and then stumble back to our hotel with this view

Awww . . . thanks for being such a great travel bud!!!

Hope you had fun:-)
*Photos without links or sources are from our travels*

Yup if you haven't entered, do it!!! $25 of fantastic cards awaits you . . .

P.S.S. We've been crazy style doing touristy things in Seattle every day with the fam visiting from Luxembourg . . . MANY pics and stories soon:-)
Soooo fun yet tiring.  I'm pooped.
