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~Fabulously Free Giveaway~ by Sara Norris Photography

Yes . . . it is THAT time again . . .

I have another
Fabulously Free Giveaway!!!
This Giveaway is by the lovely

Let us all get to know a little about this lady first!

Me: "Where do you gather inspiration from?"
Sara: "Life is inspiring to me. I find inspiration in everything around me. Other artists’ work, graffiti, architecture, music, nature, people. There is so much beauty in the world and I feel like there is something inside me that is constantly seeking those things."

Me: "Give us 2 words to describe your personal style"

Sara: "vintage inspired"

Me: "What are your top 3 favorite shops/online stores"

Sara: "Anthropology, Ruche, anything on Etsy"

Me: "What influenced you opening your Etsy shop?"

Sara: "Opening my Etsy shop was the first step toward me finally getting up the nerve to pursue my dream. I was really nervous to start selling my work. It’s hard to put yourself out there with something that means so much to you. I wasn’t sure what sort of response my photography would get, or if it would sell at all. When I heard about Etsy a couple of years ago it seemed like the perfect place to start. I opened my shop and not too long after I made my first sale. I was hooked!"
(Go get em girl!!!)
Me: "Tell us a little bit about your creative process"

(my fave!!! ha ha ha)

Sara: "I very rarely go out with the intention of taking pictures. I try to bring my camera along anywhere that I think a photo-op may present itself, but some days I’ll have my camera with me all day and not take even one picture. When that moment does catch my eye, its like something clicks inside of me. I find that most of my inspiration and motivation comes late at night, when the world gets quiet and I can concentrate. I am definitely a night owl and I’ll work well into the morning hours if I don’t force myself to stop and go to sleep. I think that’s when I create my best work though. Its almost impossible for me to be productive during the day."

Me: "What do you want others to get out of your items/shop?"

Sara: "Photography and creating in general brings me so much joy. I’m happiest when I’m in the right state of mind to see these little moments in life and capture them. It’s an indescribable high for me. I want people to get the same joy out of my work that I feel when I’m creating it. I want people to look twice and put themselves in the moment I captured. I want them to start looking twice at their own lives and to take the time to find these beautiful little moments for themselves."
Beautifully put!
Me: "What is your favorite item in your shop, or your top-seller?"

Sara: My favorite item just so happens to be one of my top sellers. My “Shade” print makes me so happy. I took this picture in Crystal Beach, TX. I really feel at home on the beach and I grew up vacationing there with my family, so it holds a lot of great memories for me.

Me: "In addition to your wonderful photography, what are some of your other creative outlets/hobbies?"

Sara: "Writing is my second love. I have been writing creatively and keeping a journal for as long as I can remember. For me, expressing myself through words is very different than the way I express myself through my photography."

"I combined my two loves in my 365 Project. I take a self-portrait and I write a few paragraphs about whatever is on my mind that day and post it on my blog (here) and Facebook Fan page (here). When I started the project I was in a rut creatively. It was meant more for me to find a way to keep myself shooting every day than anything else, but it has evolved into so much more for me. I had no idea how important it would become. It has not only been incredibly therapeutic, but I receive comments and emails from people all over the world who identify with me through this project. It’s been really surprising. If it has taught me anything, it’s that people are the same everywhere you go. Everyone has the same doubts, fears, insecurities, struggles, good times and bad times. Everyone wants someone they can relate to. Everyone wants to know that they’re not alone. I feel so lucky that people can relate to what I write. Those comments and emails have been incredibly encouraging for me. I’m going to be so sad when I finally reach 365 days and the project is over."
(Day 132 from her blog)

Me: "Is there anything else that you would like to share with us about you or your fabulous creations?"

Sara: "It has always been really important to me to live a life that is fulfilling. Starting my Etsy shop and pursuing my dream was a really big step in my life. Creating and trying to make a successful business out of what I create is an ongoing process of growth for me. Some days it’s really hard and some days it’s easier, but what it all comes down to is that I am the happiest I have ever been in my life and I hope that comes across in everything that I do. I’m working toward a goal that will only make my life more rich and fulfilling. I want to inspire people not to settle for anything less than their dreams. My one hope for my life, and for what I create, is that I can inspire at least one other person to throw caution to the wind and go after whatever it is that makes them happy."

~Now for the Fabulous Giveaway~
Win any 8x8 fine art print from Sara's shop!!!

Mandatory Entry:
What is your favorite item from Sara's shop?

Extra Entries for:
(One extra entry per item)
(PLEASE use seperate comments per extra entry! Otherwise you'll miss out!)

***Be a follower of my blog (oldies and newbies)***

Some serious chances here!!!

Ready, set, win!!!

Winner announced Sunday August 29th
*Open to US and Canada citizens*
P.S. If you haven't already, chk out my interview over at the lovely One Crafty Fox's blog!!! She's pretty much amazing:-)