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~Day Zero Challenge . . . Part Trois!~

For my regular readers you already know I am crazy, hee hee
and also I want to do everything.
So I am taking part in the Day Zero Challenge, which is pretty much

*101 goals to complete in 1001 days*
(937 days left!)
I'm totally a goal oriented person, so this is perfect for me and I'm all kinds of excited:-)

So if you are like me, you should do it!

(and let me know and we'll follow each other's progress!)

Previous blog entries for


And now
Part Trois!

*Host a board game night*

*Go paintballing*

*Make a sand castle*

*Have a tea party*

*Go to Alaska* 

*Visit the San Diego Zoo*

*Re-decorate the bathroom*

*Take a photo of each task completed*

*Go without alcohol for a month*

*Make chocolates*

*Inspire someone else to make their own list*
 I've Done This! My good friends Allison and Editt! Started their list Sept 7th:-)

*Write a list of inspirational things, one thing for each letter of the alphabet*

*Cook risotto*

*Try a new recipe every month*

*Kiss in the rain*

*Visit Norway*

*Have a beer in Germany*

*Host a cocktail party*

*Ride a horse on a beach*
*Workout at the gym every day for a week*

. . .
Ok there's my list up to 60 . . . we're getting to 101:-)

If you can't do the challenge, but have a few things on your "list",

what are they???

Do share:-)

(Image sources: 1, 2, , 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20)

Psssst the GIVEAWAY from Aya Wedding is over Friday!!!
Don't forget to enter HERE