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~Our Shutterfly Holiday Card!~

Oh yes, we know that it is officially the holiday season, and everyone is preparing by shopping, decorating, party planning, card sending out . . .

Yup it is that time, to think about holiday cards!

And ladies . . . I am officially jumping on this fabulous
Shutterfly Holiday Card bandwagon!

I have seen this blogger's promo on several of my favorite blogs already, and what a sweet deal!
(any of you already jump on this wagon?!)

Shutterfly's designs are super cute and chic, and there are too many to choose from!
I picked out like 6 and emailed them to my hubby to see what he thought.  His fave was:
Simple. How cute is that little birdy? :-)

A few of my other favorite cards are:
(Loved the colors on this one)

(Cute tree!)

(I think this is my 2nd fave)

What is a girl to do?  I want all of the above! Lol
I'm leaning towards cute and simple this year.
Which one is your fave?
I need to order asap, me being crazy and trying to be organized I was going to have them out by December 1st (2 days away!) So obviously that won't happen, but we still have plenty of time:-)

So help a girl out and vote!

Want to earn 50 free holiday cards?

To see some more super cute card and gift ideas:
Usually for Christmas I hand make all of my Christmas cards, write a year-in-review family letter (this will be our 3rd family Christmas letter!), throw in a photo booth style print of 3 pictures, and buy photo stamps.
Although super cute and personable, it can be super expensive and time consuming. 
And well this year I have many other things going on.
(more on this later)

I will still add a Christmas letter in the mix, but this is saving me so much time. Sometimes I kill myself and stress myself out doing things that are not necessary.  So this year I'm taking a cute easy out:-) And proud of my decision!

So what about you this year?

What is your Christmas Card tradition?
Do you write a letter?
How many do you send out?

Do share, and make sure to let me know which is your favorite so I can order asap!