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~Fabulously Free Giveaway by A Little Lollipop Tree~

Ohhhh do I have a fun suprise for you!

Yup . . . another fabulously free giveaway! . . .

This one is from the amazingly sweet Julie from
Her shop is full of fun party items, super cute!!!
My fave items are the cupcake wrappers, seriously adorable. No joke.
Let's find out more about this talented lady!!!

The Interview:

Me: "Where do you gather inspiration from?"

Julie: "I LOVE to create anything cute, and now that I'm a mom, it comes much easier to me to create cute things, because I try to imagine what I would love as a mom and create something perfect for others to enjoy at their party."

Me: "Give us 2 words to describe your personal style"

Julie: "Classic and stylish"

Me: "What influenced you opening your Etsy shop?"

Julie: "I was looking for adorable decorations for my twin boy and girl's 1st birthday party. I came across items on several sites, including etsy, and thought, "I could make that and then it would be exactly the way I wanted it!" So I created items for my kids' birthday party, posted them on etsy on a whim, and was amazed when people were interested in them!"

(Ribbon Topiary, pink and green)
Me: "Tell us a little bit about your creative process"

Julie: "I've always been extremely creative. Even as a child, I was drawing, painting, playing music, and "creating" on many different levels. Now that I'm a mom, I get such a stress relief from creating cute items. I absolutely LOVE planning parties, so this shop gives me the opportunity to meld two favorites together, creating and party planning. When I create something, I try to imagine what I would want as a mom if I were hosting a party such as the customer's. Then I go for it, choosing graphics, papers, fonts, colors that all coordinate and create something perfect to meet the customer's needs."

Me: "What do you want others to get out of your items/shop?"

Julie: "I want people who order from my shop to be thrilled when they get their order. When I create something that ends up being perfect for an event I'm having, whether it be a birthday party, baby shower, or wedding shower, I am tickled pink when it turns out well. I want the customer to have the same exhilaration when they open their package and see what I've made for them."

(Owl Confetti, pink, green, brown)

Me: "What is your favorite item in your shop, or your top-seller?"

Julie: "My favorite item in my shop has to be my cupcake toppers, as they are just the cutest addition to any cupcake. However, I sell a huge number of cupcake wrappers and ribbon topiaries. I created the first ribbon topiary for my little girl's birthday party and never thought they'd sell so well, but they are just precious and people seem to love them."

Me: "Besides your wonderful items in your shop, what are some of your other creative outlets/hobbies?"

Julie: "Ha! I don't have much time to do much else, between working full time, being a mom to 3 kids (a 3 year-old and 18-month old twins) and having my etsy shop. But...I love to read, garden, play the piano, and cook. So I try to have other hobbies when I have a few minutes, although there's not much time for that lately! :o) No complaints, though, as I love my life!"

Me: "Is there anything else that you would like to share with us about you or your fabulous creations?"

Julie: "Just that I am so thankful for this opportunity to be creative and have others get pleasure out of my creative efforts. I appreciate so much having this business and hope to build it to be better as I learn and grow."

What a positive sweet lady right?!

So now for . . .

The Giveaway:

$20 toward any purchase in her Etsy shop!!!

Mandatory entry:
 *Tell us what you'd like to see in her shop*

Earn extra entries:
(separate comment per entry)
*Be a follower of my blog (new and old!)*

(This Giveaway is open to U.S. citizens only)
~Winner will be chosen next Wednesday 9 p.m. Pacific~

Ready, set, WIN!!!
(Mmmmmm I'm craving a big cupcake with a mound of frosting right now! Hee hee