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~Give Thanks~

With Thanksgiving tomorrow . . .
and me being stuck at home . . .
(due to snow, ice and . . . more on the second reason below)
I find myself contemplating my life.

I wasn't sure if I was going to share this, but I want to:-)
As you all know from my pics on the blog . . .am a red head, so with that comes pale skin and freckles.

Also comes senstitivity to the sun.
So growing up I didn't really think about sunscreen and taking care of my skin.
I just wanted to play outside as a child.
Then as a teen I just wanted some color on my skin like everyone else.

So my disregard for sunscreen has given me some bad sunburns over the years.
And I am sure tanning beds haven't helped either.

So when I met my hubby, he encouraged me to go get my moles checked out.

Since then I have had 4 moles removed, of which 2 have been "bad". 
(At least we caught them early)
So the 2 "bad ones" I had to get re-cut to make sure all of the cells affected were gone.  One was basal cell carcinoma.  But all is well and it's gone.  That was last year.

This year I had one removed on my lower back, actually just 2 weeks ago.
When the doctor called last week I was kind of shocked, this one turned out to be Melanoma Insitu.
(1st stage of melanoma)
So yet again, I had to get more removed to make sure it was gone.
My dermatologist suggestion I go see a plastic surgeon since it was on my back, I scar easily, and it's right above my spine. This one is a lot larger than the other ones.

I had an appointment yesterday to get it removed, with the crazy snow Monday we were stranded home not being able to drive.

So we actually walked 6 miles there, and 6 miles back.
Crazy! Lol but we stopped for a nice bite of lunch and a warm coffee.
I was still numb so didn't feel a thing.

Anwho I am chillin' at home now, and will for the rest of the week.
(Thanks hubby for my early Christmas present, my Kindle! Love it!)

The pass to get to my mom's is not looking good for tomorrow, so we are going to most likely postpone our Thanksgiving for another day soon.
The In-laws are going to bring Thanksgiving to us, so I don't have to try to cook at all.

I have some nice scars on my back now, but you'd never know.

Despite this "fun", I am super grateful for so many things in my life!

"My Thanks List"

My health for sure!

My amazing hubby, seriously he surprises me each and every day.

My family, which keeps getting bigger every year!

The in-laws who have adopted me as their own daughter.

Our new adopted dog Lu Lu.  I think she gives us more than we give her with her new home.  She's the cutest little thing ever and I am so glad we found her!

My 3 little adorable Westies that bring so much joy and laughter to my life

My super amazing friends, who are always there for me even though we don't see each other as often as we used to.  Love you guys!

My job. 10 years with great people!

Creativity. I love that I can have fun and create, and actually get paid for it. Sweet!

Our home.  We have so much fun updating it and our little projects bring us closer together.

Literature and the written word.  I love to read and expand my thinking.

I'm not gonna lie, I am grateful for some cute boots and a warm jacket!

Good food, but even better when enjoyed with great people by my side.

Warm coffee

HGTV :-) he he I'm addicted!

Sweet messages (text, voice, or on FB! They make me happy!)

And of course, I am so grateful for God and what he does for me every day!

The list could go on and on. 
I am super grateful for a great life, and couldn't imagine it any other way.

This Thanksgiving, what are you thankful for?
Any big fun plans in the works?

I hope you all have an amazing Thanksgiving with family and friends. 
We each are truly blessed in different ways. 
 Although sometimes life may not be perfect, there are soooo many things to be grateful for.  Focus on these things and be happy!