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~Another Fabulously Free Giveaway!!!~

Yes ladies and gents it has been a while . . .
 back in full is the Fabulously Free Giveaways!

This one is from the super sweet Ayca from

We've been Etsy friends for a little while now.
What a lovely lady she is!!!

She also sent me three of her gorgeous flowers for doing this giveaway and I LOVE them
(thanks girl!)

Anywho you know how we roll here, let's get to know this fab lady first:

~The Interview~
"My name is Ayça,
 which means “Moon” in Turkish.
I live in Istanbul,Turkey. I started my Art History Master in Istanbul Technical University in 2009. I graduated from Istanbul Technical University,Department of Industrial Product Design in the first place in 2008.I have taken jewelery design courses in ITU. I graduated from Favori Gold Academy Jewellery Design programme in 2008. I have also have experience over enameling techniques in ITU. Now I am creating my own special jewelery designs and special accessories."

Well trained, right?!

Me: "Where do you gather inspiration from?"
Ayca: "I love to look at natural beauty and most of my creations are my inspirations from nature. Also I love to create as I am an industrial designer and any key words can inspire me for jewelry and accessories. I am open to my customer's ideas and wishes for inspiration."

Me: "Give us 2 words to describe your personal style"

Ayca: "Romantic and stylish"

Me: "What are your top 3 favorite shops/online stores?"


Me: "What was the BEST handmade gift that anyone has ever given you?"

Ayca: "I got a handmade gift from dear Liz as you know her lovely shop is Two Left Hands and she created a lovely brooch for me."
Me: What influenced you opening your Etsy shop?

Ayca: "After I graduated from Industrial Product Design, I worked for a while and the economic crisis influenced my life. At that time I decide to create by myself because I felt that working and creating at home would give me more inspirations to be creative. I first opened up my ayatasarim shop on etsy which specializes in jewelry design  and a few months later I decide to specialize also on wedding jewelries and accessories on my ayawedding shop."

Me: "Tell us a little bit about your creative process"

Ayca: "I love to try new materials when I create. I use different fabrics for flower accessories and pearls, swarovski beads or beads. I create flowers generally searching for beautiful blossoms found in nature."

"I also learned felting techniques and I love to create flower accessories with merino wool. "
"I use wax for making models in silver jewelry designs. For silver designs generally I am open to my customers special wishes, whatever they give me for keywords I get inspiration for creating. And then I draw sketches and create models in wax and cast them in sterling silver."

"for example I created this pendant for one of my friends wedding as a gift. And on etsy people can contact me for their wishes in silver designs."
"For jewelry I use different stones, pearls to create necklaces, bracelets or earrings."

Me: "What is your favorite item in your shop, or your top-seller?"

Ayca: "These are my best sellers:

 sooooo cute!!!

Me: "Besides your wonderful items in your shop, what are some of your other creative outlets/hobbies?"

Ayca: "I love dancing, painting, watching romantic comedy movies, listening to various music, and reading over emotional intelligence, personal development and success books."

Me: "Is there anything else that you would like to share with us about you or your fabulous creations?"

Ayca: "I love creating with my hands and hope to do many creations in my future creative life. Opening a glass, ceramics, fashion and jewelry studio in the future is my big dream."
~The Giveaway~
First off, lovely Ayca is offering all of YOU
10% off your purchase!
 (make sure to mention my blog in your purchase and she will credit you)

And one lucky person will win:

~The Rules~

Mandatory Entry:

What is your favorite item from her shop???

Earn all kinds of extra entries by:
(Make sure to use a seperate comment per entry!)

Favorite Aya Wedding on Etsy

Follow my blog (old and new love you all!)

Following Ayca on Twitter

Follow Ayca on Flickr

Blog or tweet about this giveaway

Ready, set, WIN!!!

Giveaway open to everyone everywhere!!!
*Winner announced on the blog Friday 11/11/10*

(I have Giveaway Openings for December. 
To claim a spot please email me memorybeandesigns@yahoo.com)