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~Tunes for your Tuesday . . . Black Friday style!~

So yes most everyone is thinking about Thanksgiving right now . . .
but with all our snow outside and Black Friday coming up . . .
Christmas is on the brain.

Tunes for your Tuesday this week:

Lady Gaga's new Christmas Song . . .
 Christmas Tree!
(BUT there's no video out yet, so watch these people while listening to Gaga!)

ALSO some huge news!!! So pumped

I am having my one and only
Coupon Code for Memory Bean Designs!
Yup never have done this . . . so enjoy!

20% off
of your entire purchase in my shop . . . from now until Monday only!
Only for my Facebook Fans and Blog Lovelies!

(Psssst I LOVE that Etsy has coupon codes now, sweet!)

Speaking of Etsy . . . feast your eyes on a few fabulous gift ideas in my latest treasury . . . monogrammed fun!

Some fun gift ideas, no?!

Any of you planning on braving the crazy crowds and early mornings for Black Friday shopping???
So excited for all the holidays and festivities!!!

Have a fabulous day my darlings,
and don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!
Seriously, go here right now k?  :-)

Ooooh and P.S. my Lil' Princess Lu Lu is doing just great here with her new family. It's nice to see her personality shine through slowly:-)
Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my last post!!!