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End of 2010

When I think back to the year 2010, a lot has been accomplished. When midnight struck, I had the best new years by starting it off with people that I loved. I had no idea that in the year of 2010, I would graduate from college. That realization came at the end of March 2010. Though my last quarters in college were academically difficult, I tried my hardest to make the most out of it. Having turned at the ripe age of 21 in the beginning of January, it was my time to go out and live that life. I tried going out with as little free time as I had, even though that was barely anything.
Realizing that I would soon start another life after college, I made sure I kept the friends I found valuable in my college life. I have met so many diverse people during my 3 years at UCI, but it really takes an effort to keep a friendship going. That was probably one of my hardest realizations when I moved back home in June. Orange County seemed like a lifetime away; I was too lazy to drive there, too lazy to hit people up.
Having I would think an impressive variety of accomplishment on my resume, I thought it was be easy to find a job right when I graduated in media. Here I go, applying to numerous positions on various websites, and still no answer. My big break in my self esteem came when I got the intern position at the local television station KTLA. Here was my dream-to work in the entertainment department for a well known station. Though the hours were not inviting, I committed over 3 months to my internships where I learned how to help produce the Morning News Show that airs everyday. On the way I met great people and even celebrities.
Even though the job market is very difficult at the time, I managed to find a part-time job for a mortgage company in Santa Monica. At the time where I also had my internship, it provided the strenuous yet right balance between my dream internship and a job where I can make some pretty good money on the side-->I can't complain.
On this New Year's Eve, I am reflecting on how crazy this year has been with all my accomplishments, relationships, and rollercoaster moments. Many times I have felt alone, and at a crossroads, but I've made it through yet another year. 2011 is about to arrive, and I'm still wondering what I'm meant to do with my life. Being out of college for 6 months now, I have no idea what direction my life is going though I do know where I want to be...and that is EVERYWHERE!!! I have a feeling that 2011 is about to be another great year. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!

You Just Do You, Imma Do Me


~Bring on the New Year!!!~

I don't know about you all, but I am sooooo ready and pumped to welcome the
New Year!

Bring it!

We had a fabulous 2010 . . .
~Went on an amazing trip to Europe~
~Started our investment portfolio together~
~I built my business/passion~
~We adopted LuLu~
~I started my blog~
~We turned a room into my office~
~Spent great time with family and friends~

Now onto a New beginning.

I decided instead of writing a long list of resolutions, I wanted a word for 2011.
(kind of like in Eat, Pray, Love!)
and my word is . . .


I am ready to forge forward in life, but also to find balance between everything.

2011 for me will be all about organization, sifting out some unnecessary things to make room for the fun and fulfilling, getting my life together, making sure to balance work with an adventurous life, and make sure to spend quality time and make many memories with my amazing husband, and all my loved ones.

I want to delve deeper into a few great friendships, and focus on quality, not quantity.

I will continue to work on my Day Zero Challenge, 101 goals in 1001 days and blog about our adventures.

We have TWO trips around Europe planned (loooove mileage reward cc!), and this may be our last full year to travel and only enjoy each other before we think about any additions (what?!)

So in 2011 I will balance all my craziness so that I can live a full, happy life.

What is your word for 2011?!

I hope you all have a fun New Year's Eve planned with the one's you love, can't wait to see pics, etc. in the New Year.

HAPPY NEW YEAR blog friends!!!

~Tunes for your Tuesday . . . Joshua Radin! AND a few gifts that I got spoiled with . . .~

I know the true meaning of Christmas.
 I know it's all about Jesus and family and friends.
Cherishing and spending time with the ones you love.

Which I am grateful for all of the above!

But I do have to say a great side benefit is awesome gifts from my special people. . .

So a few lovely gifts I was fortunate to receive this year
(part I)

~Concert tickets to one of our favorite singers!~
Thanks baby!
Joshua Radin:

~The Kindle!~
My baby started me off by loading it with "House Rules", The Bible, and "Picture Perfect"

~House Beautiful~
Thanks for the subscription sis!!!

~Bulova Watch~
(Thank you my new mom and dad!)

~North Face Jacket~

~Polka Dot Rain Boots~
(Been searching for these forever! Love you Bekah!)

~Gift card for $100 to Purple~
(yum! Thanks bro-in-law)
Have you been there?! Sooo good!

~Some fun VS items hee hee~

~We both got Sounder's Scarfs!~

And Part II coming soon,
I wanted to take some fun pics of the other fun items I received . . .
Maybe a few outfit pics???!!!

Oooh and I finished the FOUR handbags and the quilt, pics to come soon:-)

Happy Tuesday to you all!!!

~Christmas Extravaganza!~

I hope you all out there in Blogland had an AMAZING Christmas with your friends, loved ones and family!
We sure did!
It was a crazy whirlwind of fun, parties, gatherings, food, treats, coffee meetings, and gifts.
Soooooo fun!

If I went through each event and gift received, etc. it would take toooo long and I'd bore, but here are some highlights:

Gift exchange and coffee with work girlies

Holiday work luncheon

Family Christmas Extravaganza downtown Seattle!
Gingerbread House made out of rice crispies!

Happy Hour and yum drinks at the Georgian

My name's on the good list, yayy!

The fam!

Our 2nd year visiting Curley and Moe and reindeer

Christmas Eve at the In-laws

Friend gift exchange at Editt's (thank girly!)

Christmas at our place . . . Here's my niece Keilani (future Sounder's fan!)

Soooo excited for my scarf!

My cute lil nephew Henry:-)

Keilani likes to climb in boxes, she's so cute!

Lol my sister's gift box for me, silly!

So that's a few of our holiday adventures,
I'll post on all the amazing gifts I scored tomorrow, I got spoiled rotten for sure!!!

How was your Christmas?!

What was your fave gift you received?


I can't believe its over, on to a new year sooon!!!

Pssst . . . mid-Jan is my 1 year blog anniversary!
Can't believe it's already been so long!!!

I'm hosting a $40 Memory Bean Designs Giveaway over at Kitchen Belleicious, chk it out!

Christmas Wishes to you all!!!

Life is about to get crazy fun here, and I am officially signing off for Christmas.
But I won't without a little Christmas wish to all of you lovely peeps.
I wish you all . . .
fun times creating great memories with the ones you love . . .
a smidge or two of cute girly Holiday decadence . . .
treats and yummy drinks . . .
some sparkles . . . and maybe some snowflakes?!
a nice visit from Santa . . .  if you've been good . . .
lots of love . . .
 and Christmas Magic!

Merry Christmas to all of my lovely fellow bloggers!!!

I hope each and every one of you have a fantastically fabulous Christmas.
Dooooo it!
~And remember what the true reason for the season is~

I feel already super blessed, love and even spoiled, and it's not even Christmas yet!

Pssst . . . I'm doing my very first real sponsoring of a blog! Head over to the fabulous Kitchen Belleicious and chk out my GIVEAWAY and interview:-)

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

~Monday Mosaic!~

Happy Happy Monday to you all!

The excitement for Christmas is crazy, I can not contain myself!
I'm in full force in finishing Christmas gift projects.
Finally taking a breathe from online orders
and just focusing on my people that I love dearly.

Everything is in order, gifts wrapped, cards sent, plans set.

Projects left:
Finishing a quilt
Sewing 4 bags like this one
in fun colors/patterns!

So excited!

So you know today I'll be sewing up a storm!

Will post pics soon to show ya'll the finished products!

Do you have any last minute things to finish before Christmas??

Enjoy your day!!!