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Fitness Friday!!!

Happy Happy Friday to you all!!!

Sooo . . . 
I hope you have some great plans in the works for your fab weekend
if so, do share!

My weekend plans:

My friend Melissa (since 2nd grade! Wow we're old) and Tim and their new lil baby boy invited Andy and myself over for dinner. Not just any dinner we're talking Collared Greens, Chick'n and some potatoes. And of course accomanied by vino! :-) Fun times to be had

Finally shopping!!! Less than a month until our vaca, I need something to wear:-) A girl's gotta look good right?!

Ok call me crazy (I know it!) . . .
I've agreed to "pace" my brother in his
~50 K RUN?!?!~
Ummm actually he's the crazy one, who runs that far (like 31 miles)?!
Lol anywho I agreed to "pace" him the last 6 miles.  Sure I can do 3-4 miles, not quite sure bout the 6! Hope I don't slow him down!!!
Ha ha wish me luck:-)

AND after my 6 mile joy run, we are having our first softball practice for the
team I'm coaching! Wooot woot I can't wait.  It's a co-ed rec league, SUPER duper fun.
My hubby adn I are headign it up and have some great peeps this year.  Bring it on!

Anywho my whole Sunday will be lots of excercise, which leads to my
"Fitness Friday"
photo montage

Totally want this!

Motivation for me to get back into yoga?? :-) Looks comfy!

Motivated now?!
For some fab workouts check out HERE

More fitness info soon, maybe some running tips after Sunday:-)

Have a fabulous weekend!!!

~Tamara Nicole~