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Woooo hoo I now have 100 followers!!!

Wooooo hooo you guys are all amazing, I'm just saying!!!

In THREE months I have
***102 of you lovely followers***
so thank you Soooooo much!

To continue this blog fun, can all of you 102 people help me out??

I'm kinda new to this blog thing, but I absolutely LOVE it!

Is there any advice at all that would benefit my blog, to make my blog even better?  Layouts, posts, topics, anything at all I wanna hear it all, and I want you to be critical I can take it:-) Promise.

Other lovelies:

This post here I asked ya'll for your shoe advice.  Wanna know something silly . . . out of ALL seven pairs they only had this one in my size:
Which is cute of course, but why is it so hard to get a size 8 shoe?! Yeah it's popular, so make more right?!
Lol so sorry for the votes . . . I think the black ones had the most and would match more travel outfits, BUT these work too:-)

Another funny thing:

Wtf???  Another ooopsie no-we-don't-have-size-8! Lol so I THOUGH I ordered an 8 of this one:

AND oops it came in a size 10! Hmmm yes sometimes I can be a huge airhead!!!
So I had to exhange those for these:

Which are the same colors, and super cute as well, but man how hard is this shoe shopping?! Lol that's ok I got some cute shoes:-)

*Etsy Features*
Chk out these 2 lists . . . Memory Bean Designs was featured:

Cute cute lists chk em out:-)

Amen for the flights starting again in Europe!!! Our trip is in 2 weeks and I'd be sooo bummed if we couldn't go due to this Volcano! Hallelujah

and . . .  what's up with the lightening inside the volcano?! Crazy stuff going down:-)

Anywho my lovelies have a fantabulous Wednesday, and don't forget my blog advice k?!