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My weekend fun and a ~GIVEAWAY~

What a weekend! Busy busy full of working out, softball, food, movies, and good people!
Don't you just love weekend like this?!


One of my besties in the whole world and her lil family had us over for a bomb dinner, some vino, wii basketball championship, and lots of baby holding
What a blast! Thanks Missa!!!
Here's their lil angel:
Awww . . .  so cute to watch my baby hold a baby! Good practice sweets! Don't be scurred!!!

I look kinda vino'd out, sorry guys! No glamour here today:-)

Shopping galore! Phew. We both came out with a lot of goodies, can't wait to do a lil shoot for ya'll with all my new clothes:-) And I've learned Andy has an obsession for J Crew T's, watch out! Lol

Following the long shopping excersion, we took the dogs to the dog park.  Ok yes we need a baby I know I know, but we love our dogs! Lol here's some pics:

As discussed int he last post, my bro ran a 50 K!!!
Go Brian!
(silly man)

Anywho he ran the whole 31 miles in just over 5 hours. 
My hero!
So we talked about doing the Seattle Half Marathon in November!
Which will be nothing for him, but a huge deal for me.  Just got some new kicks (running shoes) and will start running running running. 
What I learn along the way I will share with ya'll!

We also had our first softball practice.  Felt good to get out there! but man my arm, back, and boo-tay are sore! Games aren't until June, but practice is funa nd we have a GREAT team this year:-) Did I mention that my hubby is so hot out on the field?! Just sayin.

Ok now to important stuff:

~Time for a giveaway!!!~
***Stay tuned: I have a few great giveaways lined up from other Etsy artisians!***

Today I am doing a giveaway from my shop b/c I just had my
biggest wholesale purchase from a store ever so far
and am feelin' good!

So in honor of the fabulous weather outside, all of the plants sprouting and blossoming outside . . .
 I am giving away a flower pot of your choice!

To enter:
1) Go visit Memory Bean Designs and tell me which flower pot is your fave for 1 entry.

2) Follow me! If you are already a follower you rock, just mention it for another entry. 

3) Blog about this giveaway on your blog and get TWO additonal entries!

***Winner announced Monday April 19th***

~Ready, Set, Go!!!~

Happy Happy Monday to you all!