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~Running . . . and Shoes!~

Ok first off happy lovely Wednesday girlies!!!
It's sunny and gorgeous here outside, while i'm inside working . . . boo! Lol

Anywho with all this recent talk of working out, softball, running, and my continuing struggle with my "fitness challenge" (blogged here) . . .

I bought myself some running shoes last weekend, woot woot!!!

AND I've been to the gym 2x since, AND ran 2 miles the other day.  Shoes make a HUGE difference!

Did you know:

You should replace your running shoes around every 300-500 miles??
So those old running shoes you wear once in a while may not be giving your feetsies enough support?? Just saying:-)

Also there are places to get "fitted" for running shoes. In Seattle we have places such as Road Runner Sports, Seattle Running Company, etc. I think once I get passed 6 miles lol than I may chk this out!
I want these calves! Seriously!!!

Most people do not wear the right kind of running shoes, and may not even know they should be wearing narrow, high arch, wide, etc.

from Runner's World


Hmm ok I'm guilty of not doing this before and after workouts, and even before or after running more often these days . . . don't be like me! Stretching is key to healthy muscle building and toning, so do it!!!
I'll do it now too promise:-)

For a list of 9 stretches to do before running check out the Trail Running Blog article here!

Now on to some fun travel shoes . . .

Excited much huh?!

I can't freaking wait . . . and from experience last vaca walking 12 miles in flip flops (yuck! Blisters galore) while in Mykonos, Greece . . . I've learned the hard way I need to get some good walking shoes for vaca. 
My hubby and I are CRAZY travelers. 
We fill out our Garmin with all of the sites we want to see, and go go go walking anywhere from 8-14 miles a day around awesome locations to see and take a gazillion pictures of everything we can. 


So here are my thoughts:

I heart Puma shoes big time . . . vote on your faves! Hard to decide:-)



So let me know your thoughts:-) I know I won't wear them all the time, I have some cute dressy shoes and sandals, etc.  But I gotta look good walkign around too right?

Anywho hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday!!!

~Tamara Nicole~