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Quick weekend preview . . . and MIA Tamara!

Happy Easter!!!

~Oh all my dearies I hope you all had a fabulous weekend with friends and family~

I will do a reg post tomorrow, but here's a lil preview of my weekend:

A few gifts . . . (this purse from Aldos)

Oh. My. Goodness!!!!

Niece time:-)

Keilani's a doll, more photos tomorrow!
She loves my Capri:-)

Ok and why I've been a "lame-o blogger":

Been crazy at work on my baby line for this new shop "Giggles and Bows"

Once I get everything up and sent out I'll be back full force, I do miss reading your blogs!!!!

Don't let this "blog break" get you discouraged with my blog:-)

Many cute things to come . . .

More tomorrow, nighty night!

~Tamara Nicole~

(Off to watch Undercover Boss- watch it!!! I'm in tears each time, super cute show!)