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Books books and more books!

Happy Saturday to you all!!!

Sooo a few lovely updates:

Our Europe cruise/vaca is less than 2 weeks away!!! So to get ready for our
FIVE flights and train ride . . .

I just ordered this:

My own lil mini pink laptop!!! Aww how girly:-)

(Also will use it for Memory Bean Designs biz-niss fun)

Ok and also: ordered some

For the trip:-)
I LOVE to read, so I know I won't get through these, but more for after the trip!

Speaking of reading and books:

1) Anyone have a Shelfari account? If so . . . add me HERE
I am constantly looking for new, fabulous books to read so love recommendations!!!

2) Book Club
Thanks to the wonderfully fab LaceyBlog I joined a Book Club! It's a book swap, what a fantastic idea right?!
Soooo I sent a couple books to Lacey along with some goodies
(how fun right?!)
annnnnnndddd . . .
Got this book from my book buddy Aislinn (chk out her blog!)

In the package was a coin from one of her recent travels! I think Prague?!
Which rocks b/c I LOVE traveling . . . and now may have to go there to use it lol.

So Aislinn thank you so much, despite the craziness of life I've actually already finished it! Loved it, and loved the fact that the author is a WA native and I knew all of the places the book mentioned made it that much cooler:-)

Hope you all are having a fabulous weekend
(as I am!)

And please, share some good reads with me to add to my list!!!

What is your favorite book???

~Tamara Nicole~