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My Easter Extravaganza, and a fab award!!!

Happy Happy Tuesday!!!
Ok as promised, a photo full post of my Easter weekend

More "baby" items from Memory Bean Designs for Tina's new shop "Giggles and Bows" in Ohio. I've been mad busy painting, etc.
My poor husband is wondering when he gets his wifey back;-)
Sorry baby!!! Love you long time!
If only there were more hours in the day, right?

Anywho here's some more fun items:

(the hooks are missing the actual hooks but you get the idea)

~Now onto our Easter fun~
(non-stop eating, gotta get back on my fitness challenge!)
Easter dinner at the In-laws, yum yum!
Keilani and her daddy, awww!
(ok so this post is all of my niece, but how freakin cute is she?!
Can't get enough of her chubbster cheeks!)

It's nice to know that our dogs get along with babies!!!
We made Keilani her own monogrammed egg:-) Her 1st easter!
I think she just wanted to eat it?
Here us adults are coloring the eggs, fun times!
Here with my hubby and sister Claire (the baby mama!)
I think Andy had more fun than anyone else! Lol
Pretty boy Andy didn't want his fingers stained, sweet gloves!
Looking all adorable in her Easter outfit
Ok sorry I can't help it I can't get enough of her face:-)
Mommy and daughter all cute-style

We had everyone over for brunch on Saturday, we were going to do BBQ but the weather was not so nice.  Fun times though! Everyone gobbled down my enchiladas, and we had TONS of food left:-)
Here'a nother purse from the In-laws! They spoil me! I think I'm their daughter they never had (3 rambunctious boys, no girls).  Hey I'm fine with that!

P.S. Aldo's has FAB shoes AND purses!!!

~Award time!~
Oooh I'm now a blog socialite?! Sweet!!!

Thanks to the lovely Kitchen Belleicious! What a sweetheart you made my day:-) She has a FABULOUS blog so go chk it out here!

Rules for this fantabulous award:

1) Click on the above button and paste onto your blog/website

2) Answer the below questions

3) Pass onto 10 bloggers that you Love, go to their blog and let them know they've been tagged

1. Who is your style icon? Hmmm this is hard! Myself?  Lol I don't really know I kind of have a interesting style . . . but I do admire Beyonce, Scarlett Johanssen, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson, oh soo many girls that have style!

2. What is your favorite socialite lit book? I loved Chasing Harry Winston!!! Does that count?

3. Favorite party theme? I'm all about dressing up! So any theme that requires some fun getting ready all fancy in a hot cocktail dress:-)

4. Go to Halloween costume? I'm a HUGE Halloween costume fan.  Hmm I loved my Rainbow Bright costume, fun bright colors:-)  Next year I'm trying to get my hubby to be an Irish rugby player (old school leather helmet and everything!) and I want to be an Irish good luck charm.

5. Extravagance you cannot live without? Oooh this is hard! Prob. getting my hair done . . . and my MAC maekup and Seven jeans.  That's it, I promise I'm not high maintenance!

6. Living person you admire? Hmmm this is a tough one.  Of course my mom, she's STILL raising kids (29 years and still has a 11 yr old at home) and was a great, attentive mom supporting me in anything and everything I did and still do.  I learned all my crafty skills from her, LOVE YOU Mom!!!

7. Greatest Fear? People not knowing how much I truly care for and love them, not showing it enough?  Not calling or spending enough time with them.

8. Trait you deplore in yourself? I over analyze EVERYTHING and worry too much.  Sometimes I just need to chill:-)

9. Which talent would you most like to have? I've tried for years to try to learn the guitar . . . I borrowed my brothers like 4 years ago . . . it's gathering dust.  I would love to learn before we have kids so we can all gather around and sing together:-)

10. Greatest Achievement? Putting myself through college and supporting myself from  pretty much when I was 16 . . . working full time and taking a full college load was hard! BUT I did it with great grades, and got accepted to dental school at NYU. 
ALSO: being strong enough to decide NOT to go to dental school (despite everyone pushing me to) to pursue my passion (creating!) and I decided that I'd rather be a great mom in the future instead of choose my career.  Soem people think this was a bad decision BUT I'm soo happy b/c of it! funny how things just work out huh?  :-)

Oh snap! I have to pick ten?!
I wish I could give them to all of you, but for today I pick:
Congrats my lovely blog ladies!!!
Happy Tuesday:-)